What does having the same unwanted outcome month after month do for you and your business?
You may want to read that question again.
If you’re like most Entrepreneurs you value your skills, however, you’re sick and tired of feeling STUCK and tired in the proverbial hamster wheel of getting nowhere.
This pattern is so frustrating because nothing you’ve tried up to now seems to gain progress.
This repetition leads to scattered thoughts, self-doubt, fears and feeling stressed and anxious from ending up in the same place again and again,
but in reality, as more time has passed, now you’re further behind!
Successful people know that it’s okay to want and expect to BE the VERY BEST version of themselves! You deserve that too! Successful people also know the benefit of committing to their success.
Here’s a quick exercise for you to try:
Close your eyes and take two deep relaxing breaths in and out.
Next, IMAGINE for a moment, what that successful version of you and your aligned business will FEEL like, just for you. Everything you’ve ever wanted. Focus on that feeling.
Go ahead, try it for just 17 seconds.
Yes, that’s right. That and more can all be yours.
Jeffrey Mort, National Guild Certified Consulting Hypnotist and level 2 Integrative Health Practitioner, personally welcomes you to a calming, safe, professional, and confidential environment built on TRUST. You’ll become laser focused on personalized solutions for helping you get clear on your vision and rapidly bridge the gap between you and your next goal.
Have you fully considered how much staying stuck is costing you?
what is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a scientifically proven goal-oriented technique that involves the focus of one's attention and response to positive suggestions. It is a state of active, unconscious learning, when communication with the mind is elevated.
Hypnosis can be described as a pleasant combination of talk therapy and meditation that creates lasting results.
“It’s like a nap for the soul and a map for the mind.”
what happens in a hypnosis session?
When you enroll, sessions are typically 90 minutes in length, are virtual via Zoom, and always personalized to your unique goals.
The beginning of the session is a discovery conversation and the second half is spent in hypnosis. At the completion of your session, you will receive your personalized hypnotic recording to listen to on your own. Yes, of course there’s homework!
Together, we’ll explore and uncover subconscious blocks that come in the form of fears, negative beliefs, and false programming about oneself, which can limit even a highly intelligent individual’s ability to achieve forward progress. These beliefs create unwanted patterns of self-sabotage and defeat due to repetitive programming.
During a heightened state of suggestibility, we re-map limited thinking into positive and healthy thoughts which reinforces healthy habits and new patterns of living the life you want to live!
Hypnosis has helped many with:
Accelerated Healing
Business Success
Athletic Performance
Weight Loss and Body Image
Self-Esteem and Confidence
Creating Your Future Self
Releasing Fears & Anxiety
Inner Peace & Racing Thoughts
Public Speaking Confidence
Stress Reduction
Focus and Clarity
Emotional Release
Strengthening Relationships
Improved Sleep
Anger Management
Social Confidence
Habit Transformation
Smoking Cessation
Over-Eating or Drinking
Personal Performance
And More…
Research demonstrates that 90% of our day is automated by our dominant level of consciousness which operates on how we were programmed by observing, believing, and habituating.
90% Subconscious Mind
Our mind is built for efficiency. It wants to automate as much as possible in order to conserve energy. This is why you don’t have to remember how to breathe or how to drive. Our subconscious mind is also formed by all the things we’ve learned since we were born; from parents, family, friends, teachers, authority figures, society, and culture. Our subconscious stores our beliefs, values, natural aptitudes and talents, fears, long-term memories, emotional associations, and habits.
10% Conscious Mind
Our higher-level executive functions reside here: logic, reason, willpower, decision making and analytical discernment, and desire. When we logically deduce we need to change or want something different, it’s executed from our conscious mind. Unfortunately, simply wanting something different is not enough to create lasting change in the subconscious mind.
100% Transformational Hypnosis
Our subconscious mind likes routine and predictability in an effort to keep us safe. This is a built in survival mechanism. If our subconscious is primed differently from what we consciously want, we experience resistance through disintegration — anxiety, self-sabotage, fear, or other manifestations. It is the purpose of the Transformational Hypnotist to unlock the power of the subconscious mind to respond accordingly to the conscious mind thinking.
The first step to working together is to book a consultation. These are done via phone or zoom, are 60 minutes long, and are completely free.
2. Receive
After the consultation, I will provide you with a recommended package of sessions based on your specific goal(s).
3. Transform
We will meet virtually every other week until your session package is completed. You will receive recordings of your hypnosis and homework prompts to be completed between sessions.
The real issue isn’t whether or not you have the time or resources to invest in yourself.
The real issue is whether or not you finally want the outcome you deserve so you CAN have more time and resources to invest in yourself!
Yes, please click here to read more.
Talk therapy focuses on cognitive processes, while hypnosis focuses on changing behavior in the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis sessions include cognitive dialogue followed by hypnosis. This will be the part where a client either lays down or sits back, eyes closed, and follows along with the hypnosis practitioner’s guided imagery.
Treatment is typically short-term, lasting between 3 and 15 sessions compared to weekly talk therapy sessions that can span from months to years.
Hypnosis seeks to target the subconscious root cause of the presenting issue to integrate transformation quickly.
Both hypnosis and traditional psychotherapy support lifelong behavior change.
A hypnosis practitioner will request a medical referral for presenting issues with a medical etiology because they do not diagnose or treat medical conditions or psychological disorders, nor do they prescribe or suggest medication.
The subconscious mind is like the soil of a garden, whatever the conscious mind plants there grows – whether it be weeds or flowers.
It’s where we keep our behaviors, beliefs, emotions, imagination, intuition, and memories. It makes up 90% of our brain, which is why it can be easy to get stuck in what is no longer serving us.
Most of our issues stem from the mind, or involve it in some way whether psychological, physiological, or spiritual. There’s a wide array of reasons why people seek out hypnotherapy:
• Allergies
• Analgesic/Sedation for Medical and Dental Procedures
• Anxiety
• Anger Management
• Artists Block
• Asthma
• Athletic Performance
• Autoimmune Symptoms
• Bedwetting
• Boredom
• Blood Pressure Issues
• Breaking Bad Habits
• Career Enhancement
• Chemotherapy Side Effects
• Clarity and Purpose
• Confidence
• Courage
• Creative Expansion
• Depression
• Emotional Release
• Fears and Phobias
• Fertility and Childbirth
• Grief and Loss
• Gut Health and IBS
• Habit Integration
• Heartbreak
• Impotence
• Manifestation
• Memory, Focus, and Rapid Learning
• Motivation
• OCD and Perfectionism
• Pain Reduction
• Past Life Regression and Accessing the Past
• Performance Anxiety
• Pessimism
• Psychoactive Experience Integration
• Rapid Healing and Inflammation Reduction
• Relationship Improvement
• Release Bad Habits, Behavioral Patterns, and Addictions
• Self-Sabotage
• Sexual Dysfunction and Satisfaction
• Sleep Disorders
• Smoking Cessation
• Stress
• Test Anxiety
• Weight Loss and Body Image
• Writer’s Block
• …and more! -
Our ability to imagine influences everything we do, as the subconscious mind cannot distinguish fantasy from fiction. That’s why we cry during a sad movie, even though we know it's not real.
When we focus our imagination on what we want, we are using imagery to bring it to life. Imagery is utilized during hypnosis to support clients desired outcome, improving their livelihood, wellbeing, and reaching personal goals.
Imagery strengthens harmony between the body and mind and has been referred to as “medicine for the imagination.”
The goal of hypnosis is to rapidly create positive change for a person. Each hypnosis session leaves a person feeling optimistic and refreshed.
I believe most people are hypnotizable because hypnosis is a hidden ability of the mind. We go into hypnosis multiple times a day without realizing: During our morning routines, while scrolling through social media, when we are emotionally triggered, doing what we love, and falling asleep.
Hypnosis is experienced on a spectrum; everyone has their own unique experience. For some, it’s an analytical state of focus while others experience all-encompassing visualizations and amnesia. Like meditations, you are in control the entire time.
Stage hypnosis is a sensationalized version solely meant to entertain. This kind of trance does not work on everybody. I do NOT practice stage hypnosis, only hypnosis for transformation.
An Introductory Hypnosis Session with Jeffrey lasts 1.5 – 2 hours. Sessions start with extensive conversation and questions so he can gain insight into your story and what motivates you.
Once intentions for the session are clear, focus shifts to the conditioning for hypnosis. Some personality types go into trance easily while others experience resistance or simply have a more analytical state of focus.
Jeffrey works with all personality types to develop trust and implement techniques that allow you to relax, as the subconscious is more receptive when your nervous system is at ease.
When guided into hypnosis, you’re welcomed to lay or sit back and close your eyes where you will remain fully aware of where you are and what is happening.
Suggestions specific to your needs are offered for the purpose of creating new neural pathways for positive change. Sometimes suggestions are literal and direct, while other times they’re metaphorical and reveal their effects in time. Your subconscious transmits these thoughts and images throughout the mind and body.
Jeffrey’s role is to support clients in accessing parts of themselves already available underneath the surface of their cognitive mind and learned personal blocks.
The purpose of this work is to integrate change a person wants, be it releasing fear, uncovering personal blocks, increasing self-trust, or integrating new strategies and habits relevant for their journey.
Hypnosis and meditation are in some ways very similar experiences of consciousness.
Meditation is the practice of clearing the mind, while hypnosis—when used intentionally—is the practice of focusing your thoughts on a singular goal. A person does not slip into a state of meditation like hypnosis, but depending on the amorphous definition, one can shift between the two.
In meditation, a person may focus on their breath or a mantra for the purpose of clearing the mind of busy thoughts.
The goal of hypnosis is to use one’s imagination to focus on new possibilities and thoughts to create a desired change.
While meditation and hypnosis have different intentions, they are similar in how they create mind and body coherence, activate our parasympathetic response, and empower a person to feel good.
Guided hypnosis is not recommended for people with multiple personality disorder, hallucinations, or those under the influence of drugs/alcohol.
On average between 3 and 10 sessions. Term of hypnosis varies depending on a persons unique needs and motivations. Follow up sessions are one hour long. Even a single hypnosis session is beneficial. A consultation will better inform what is appropriate for you.