What is a TRUE detox?

When you hear “detox” you probably think of the ads you’ve seen for those gimmicky “detox” teas/smoothies, or even diet pills. These products couldn’t be any further from a true Functional Medicine Detox. A lot of people ask, “Why do you need to do a liver detox? Doesn’t your liver do that on its own?” Well, yes… BUT it’s not that simple.

Fat soluble toxins enter the liver including pesticides, pharmaceuticals, food additives, alcohol, heavy metals, and more. The 1st phase of detoxification requires nutrients like B2, B3, B6, B12, Folic acid, and Glutathione, just to name a few. The 2nd phase requires amino acids like NAC, Glycine, Taurine, Glutamine, Cysteine, and Methionine. This turns toxins into water-soluble waste that can then be excreted via urine, sweat, breath, bile, and stool.

This is an oversimplification of the detox process but helps to understand what the body NEEDS to complete this essential process. You won’t get these crucial nutrients in those gimmicky products mentioned above.

Ideally, you’re eating a plenty of fruits and vegetables to support the liver’s function. Unfortunately this isn’t the case if you’re used to eating the Standard American Diet, so these toxins start to pile up into what I call the “Toxin Tank.” With over 200,000 man-made chemicals in the world today, and about half of those being listed as possible carcinogens, and even some approved for consumption, it’s no wonder our bodies are having more and more difficulty staying healthy.

When our "toxin tank" fills so much that it begins to overflow, that's when we start to see disease. It’s a common misconception that genetics determine our fate, however there’s a saying that says, “Genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger.” Essentially, your environment determines whether you’re in a state of health or dis-ease, and genetics determine how that dis-ease presents itself — whether it’s heart disease, Alzheimers, arthritis, or something else that runs in your family.

Additionally, even if you ARE eating a whole foods diet that contains phase 1 & 2 nutrients, our soil has become so depleted through mono-cropping and mistreatment of our earth, that our crops just don’t contain the same amount of nutrients that they once did.

By now, you’re probably realizing that our livers are overloaded and need support. This is why quarterly Functional Medicine Liver Detoxes are NECESSARY. Only a true Functional Medicine Detox will contain the Phase 1 and 2 nutrients mentioned above to support the liver in its natural processes.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to do them alone. Every quarter, the Love Energy Wellness community completes a detox together. When you join our private Facebook group, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, get access to live videos each day of the detox, and connect with others on the same journey to make lasting connections. Also within the group, you’ll find a FREE detox course — so if you’re ready to learn more be sure to join today.

If you want to stay in the know of when our community comes to together to detox, be sure to join our email list below.

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