What is a TRUE detox?

When you hear “detox” you probably think of the ads you’ve seen for those gimmicky “detox” teas/smoothies, or even diet pills. These products couldn’t be any further from a true Functional Medicine Detox. A lot of people ask, “Why do you need to do a liver detox? Doesn’t your liver do that on its own?” Well, yes… BUT it’s not that simple.

Fat soluble toxins enter the liver including pesticides, pharmaceuticals, food additives, alcohol, heavy metals, and more. The 1st phase of detoxification requires nutrients like B2, B3, B6, B12, Folic acid, and Glutathione, just to name a few. The 2nd phase requires amino acids like NAC, Glycine, Taurine, Glutamine, Cysteine, and Methionine. This turns toxins into water-soluble waste that can then be excreted via urine, sweat, breath, bile, and stool.

This is an oversimplification of the detox process but helps to understand what the body NEEDS to complete this essential process. You won’t get these crucial nutrients in those gimmicky products mentioned above.

Ideally, you’re eating a plenty of fruits and vegetables to support the liver’s function. Unfortunately this isn’t the case if you’re used to eating the Standard American Diet, so these toxins start to pile up into what I call the “Toxin Tank.” With over 200,000 man-made chemicals in the world today, and about half of those being listed as possible carcinogens, and even some approved for consumption, it’s no wonder our bodies are having more and more difficulty staying healthy.

When our "toxin tank" fills so much that it begins to overflow, that's when we start to see disease. It’s a common misconception that genetics determine our fate, however there’s a saying that says, “Genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger.” Essentially, your environment determines whether you’re in a state of health or dis-ease, and genetics determine how that dis-ease presents itself — whether it’s heart disease, Alzheimers, arthritis, or something else that runs in your family.

Additionally, even if you ARE eating a whole foods diet that contains phase 1 & 2 nutrients, our soil has become so depleted through mono-cropping and mistreatment of our earth, that our crops just don’t contain the same amount of nutrients that they once did.

By now, you’re probably realizing that our livers are overloaded and need support. This is why quarterly Functional Medicine Liver Detoxes are NECESSARY. Only a true Functional Medicine Detox will contain the Phase 1 and 2 nutrients mentioned above to support the liver in its natural processes.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to do them alone. Every quarter, the Love Energy Wellness community completes a detox together. When you join our private Facebook group, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, get access to live videos each day of the detox, and connect with others on the same journey to make lasting connections. Also within the group, you’ll find a FREE detox course — so if you’re ready to learn more be sure to join today.

If you want to stay in the know of when our community comes to together to detox, be sure to join our email list below.

If you’re curious about how else Integrative Health can help you sleep deeper, find your ideal weight, slow the aging process, and increase your energy levels, click below to sign up for your complimentary consultation!

How To Finally Get Well

How To Finally Get Well

By the time many of my clients come to me they’ve reached the old adage that goes, “I’m just sick and tired of being sick and tired…”

I’ve heard this hundreds of times over my coaching career and I’ve experienced it myself as well. The problem is that you have most likely never been shown how to finally figure out how to get well, lose the weight, or grow younger. The reason I say this is that before I discovered this myself more than 10 years ago I just thought I was going to have to live with my genetics, current ailments, and the fact that I may never have the energy, ambition, or life I truly desire.

What You’re Missing

What changed my life and what I think may be missing for you as well is the fact that everything we suffer from comes down to one or more underlying root causes that are creating imbalances in your body. You see, underlying imbalances caused by certain vitamin, mineral, or other deficiencies do not enable your body to have the raw material it needs as you age in order to slow the inflammation and repair as quickly as you once did when you were younger.

When you combine these deficiencies along with all of the environmental toxins we are exposed to and hormonal and balances that can come as a result you are dealing with a two-front battle that is causing you to feel the outward symptoms of poor health, fatigue, weight gain, or rapid aging.

Although none of this sounds like good news, there is hope. The reason why I say this is that for myself and the thousands of others I’ve worked with, once we discover your unique underlying root cause imbalances (which are your specific deficiencies and toxicities) we can go about rebalancing those. Because remember, when you bring up your deficiencies your body now has the raw material it needs in order to be able to provide energy for your system. And when you remove a lot of the toxicities, the blockages that were once holding you back have now gotten out of the way.

How to Figure It Out

So now that you know how to go about getting well once and for all, the next step is figuring out what your specific deficiencies and toxicities are that lead to a dis-ease of the body in the first place. What I did, and what I now share with my clients is using simple to complete, at home health tests that show you what your current levels are of all of these biomarkers in your body:

●      Digestive imbalances

●      Hormone levels

●      Stress levels

●      Neurotransmitter mood levels

●      Vitamin levels

●      Mineral levels

●      Omega-3 inflammatory levels

●      Heavy-metal toxicities

●      Food sensitivities

●      And so much more

This Makes All the Difference

To be honest any program you begin that doesn’t look at you as an individual is going to be hit or miss in terms of being able to promise results. The difference with what myself and other Integrative Health Practitioners do is that we take the guesswork out of the equation and instead figure out what it is that’s holding your body back from becoming well again.

Once you have knowledge of your individual deficiencies and toxicities, a personalized plan can then be developed in order to go about rebalancing your body and mind. When an Integrative Health Practitioner works with the client they don’t just provide you with your testing results, but they empower you with a knowledge of what your numbers actually mean. After that, you can then easily see for yourself what needs to be done in order to bring life and vitality back to your body.

It Will Work for You Too

All of this is truly an amazing process and with the help of the right IHP Certified Health Coach to guide you along the way you will learn more about yourself in the next 12 weeks than you may possibly ever have. This exact process has worked for me and my clients and that is why I can’t wait to share those same results with you.

For more information on this exact process simply book a complimentary consultation!