
20 Detox Tips and Common Questions Answered

There are increasing toxins in our diet, lifestyle, and environment. With well over 77,000 artificial chemicals from the food we eat, personal care products, everyday household cleaners, and the water we drink, supporting the body's natural ability to detoxify is no longer just a choice – it's a necessity, even if you're healthy. There are many detox tips and different detoxes depending on your goals, but all are not equal. That's why a functional medicine liver detox is widely recommended to best support our primary detox organ and its essential function, detoxification. It uses extended fasting strategies with scientifically formulated herbal remedies and the key nutrients needed to mobilize the accumulation of harmful stored toxins and eliminate them more efficiently.

Here are 20 detox tips and answers to the most common questions on what you can do to get the most out of your detox and what you may want to avoid. Of course, always use your best judgment based on your individual health and goals. Working with a certified health practitioner can help you understand what is best for you and any appropriate recommendations or adaptations to optimize your detoxification strategy.

1. Can I work out?

Yes and no. Working out is essential for our health and one of the ways the body eliminates toxins through breath and sweat, but it is also a stressor and can deplete glucose levels, leaving you feeling more tired. You may want to avoid intense exercise on fasting days during a detox. You can still incorporate lower-intensity movement like walking and using a sauna can support further elimination of toxins without overexerting yourself. You can resume your usual workout routine on days when you consume more calories or feel you have adequate energy.

2. Can I drink nut milk?

Yes, unsweetened plant-based milk can be added to your detox shake or in a hot beverage if you choose to.

3. Can I drink coffee and tea?

Yes, if you regularly drink coffee or experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms, you can include it during your detox. Try to limit it to one cup of organic coffee in the morning (black or with unsweetened nut milk). For some, it can slow down the detoxification process, so you may want to avoid caffeine or have an organic decaffeinated coffee. Most herbal teas are naturally caffeine-free, so feel free to include any you enjoy, like ginger, chamomile, mint and turmeric.

4. How much can I eat?

A detox aims to give your body digestive rest through extended fasting, lighter meals and removing common food triggers. That said, it's not just about how much you eat — you should also consider the quality and type of food you're eating. Eat slowly until satiated, focusing on easy-to-digest foods that provide balanced nutrition.

5. What can I eat?

Follow the appropriate food list recommendations. The general focus is fresh, nutrient-dense, high-quality whole foods, organic where possible and non-GMO. Many food lists will eliminate common allergens and sensitivities (dairy, gluten, corn, eggs and red meat), alcohol, processed foods and refined sugars.

6. Does lunch have to be plant-based?

Plant-based protein is easier to digest than animal sources and can also reduce the overall toxic load on the body, which is the ultimate goal of a detox. Incorporating more plant-based meals is recommended.

7. Can I have two shakes instead of four during the shake fast?

While four shakes spread across the day give your body adequate hydration and nutrition every 3,5 hours to keep energy and blood sugar levels balanced, you could have two shakes if this works best for you. Just be sure you are still getting adequate hydration to flush the system and support effective elimination throughout the day.

8. Can I still detox if I'm not trying to lose weight?

Absolutely! A liver detox is designed to support your body's natural detoxification process by replenishing nutrient stores and removing toxic water weight that can lead to unhealthy levels of inflammation and leave you feeling puffy, lowered energy and mood, poor sleep and more. It can facilitate weight loss if that is a goal, and if you don't want to lose weight, appropriate adjustments can be made.

9. How regularly can I detox?

A quarterly (seasonal) detox about every 12 weeks is recommended to best support the body.

10. Can I use herbs and spices?

Yes, herbs and spices can help chelate (or bind) heavy metals, boost metabolism, and kill "gut bugs." They're a great addition to any detox, and add flavor to any dish!

11. When should I not detox?

Children, pregnant or nursing women should not detox. If you have any underlying medical condition or concern, you should also always speak with your primary care doctor before doing any type of detox.

12. Can I eat more than the recommended serving sizes?

Yes, you can eat more if you are still hungry but remember the goal of a detox is to reduce the total toxic load on the body. Take time to eat slowly and allow your body to feel satiated. Make sure you have enough protein and if you are still hungry, opt for extra vegetables that are nutrient and fiber dense but lower in calories.

13. When do I drink a shake during the shake fast?

You can adjust the timing of your shakes based on your schedule. A general guideline is to have the first shake about an hour after waking and then about every three and a half hours apart across the day.

14. Can I keep taking my current supplements and prescribed medicine?

This will depend on the individual and the supplement/medication. It would be best to stay on any medication prescribed by your healthcare practitioner and confirm that there are no contraindications with any ingredients in the detox products. You may want to stop nutritional supplements during the extended fasting days, but most should be safe to continue - use your best judgment.

15. What is the best day to start a detox?

You can begin on any day that works for you. It is not advisable after a night of high alcohol consumption due to its effect on blood sugar levels.

16. Do I have to fast on the first two days?

Completing an extended fast is recommended to optimize the benefits of digestive rest and repair. However, adjustments can be made that may better suit your current health and goals. You can incorporate some low glycemic berries in your shake - especially if weight loss is not a goal or follow the same outline on days where more foods are consumed ie. two meals and two shakes.

17. Should I stop the detox if I experience side effects?

It is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms or other Herxheimer reactions.This will always come down to the individual, type and severity of side effects. They are usually short-term, but you should speak to your doctor if you have any major concerns.

18. Can I detox while doing another wellness protocol?

Generally yes, but to keep things simple and avoid overwhelm you may want to go through one protocol at a time. Work with an integrative health practitioner if you need additional support on what is best for you.

19. What should I do once the detox ends?

To support your body for long-term wellness, follow the foundations of nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory whole foods to create balanced meals. Incorporate additional starches based on your health goals.

20. How do I maintain my results and health after the detox?

Whether you have a continued weight loss goal or wish to maintain your results,the foundations of following diet and lifestyle principles will stand you in good stead.

Following these detox tips and answers to the most common questions can be a great way to optimize your health and get the most out of it. If you'd like to take your health to the next level, you can work with a certified health practitioner to better understand your current health and goals and work alongside you with a custom wellness plan for long-term success.

If you are ready to take your health to the next level, click here to learn more about a true Functional Medicine detox! (Blog source)

Understanding the Phases of Liver Detoxification

The liver is one of the most important — yet often overlooked — organs in your body. As your body's primary detoxification organ, it helps keep your body healthy and functioning as it should.

There are two key phases of liver detoxification, each of which requires specific nutrients in order to work effectively. Keep reading to learn more about what your liver does and what you can do to help support it.

What Does Your Liver Do?

Your liver is one of your hardest-working organs. It performs over 500 vital functions that are essential for life and good health. One of its main roles is to filter your blood and break down toxins it is exposed to, byproducts and other harmful substances, such as pollutants, medications, drugs, alcohol and caffeine. This helps detoxify your body and support healthy levels of inflammation to keep your body in a balanced state.

There are two key phases involved in the detoxification process by the liver:

  • Phase one involves a number of enzymes that help break down harmful fat-soluble toxins and other products that get stored in your fat cells and send the raw materials to phase two

  • Phase two mobilizes and transforms the byproducts of phase one into new, water-soluble waste products in a process called conjugation. This waste can then safely be removed from your body via urine, stool, sweat and breath.

    • This phase also requires help from key nutrients such as the most powerful antioxidant glutathione, sulfur based compounds and amino acids, as well as minerals, including zinc and selenium.

In addition to detoxification, some other essential functions of the liver include:

  • Producing bile to help digest and absorb fats and carry waste away from the liver

  • Producing certain proteins for the blood and proteins that transport fat through the body

  • A storage site for vitamins and minerals

  • Helps support a strong immune system

  • Helping regulate blood clotting

  • Helps to balance blood sugar levels by converting stored liver glucose (glycogen) back into glucose for energy when needed

How To Naturally Support the Phases of Liver Detoxification

There are many things that can get in the way of your liver's ability to do its job correctly, such as overexposure to toxins from a poor diet or from the environment. This can lead to many health issues and more serious conditions over time. You can take proactive steps in your daily life to naturally support your liver's ability to detox. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Eat cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables provide sulfur-rich compounds that are essential to produce glutathione, the master antioxidant that supports detoxification. Try to incorporate a few servings of cruciferous vegetables at every meal that include broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower and brussels sprouts.

  • Focus on fiber. Fiber is an indigestible type of carbohydrate that has various health benefits. Fiber supports the antioxidant and enzyme activity required for liver detoxification. It also helps bulk up your stool and promote regular passage of bowel movements, which removes toxins from the body. All plant foods are good sources of dietary fiber, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

  • Stay hydrated. Drinking more water helps cleanse and detoxify the liver. This is because sufficient hydration is required to promote blood circulation and dissolve nutrients. Staying hydrated also helps produce urine, which is another key way the body rids itself of toxins. It is important that you use a water filter or drink mineral water as tap water contains many chemicals and other harmful substances that add to your toxic load.

  • Move your Body. Daily movement and incorporating formal physical activity is also key for a healthy liver and body. Exercise can facilitate weight loss or support maintaining a healthy body weight by increasing the breakdown of fatty acids and reducing toxins stored in fat cells. Exercise helps increase the breakdown of Doing physical activity can increase sweat production, promote circulation and increase breathing - all detoxification routes that expel toxins. Like fiber, exercise can also help keep your bowel movements regular, supporting the elimination of toxins via the stool.

  • Consider using supportive supplements. Milk thistle and turmeric are two herbs with anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant properties they can support the liver and more effective detoxification. Completing a functional medicine liver detox seasonally is also a great way to restore any nutrient deficiencies and effectively remove excess toxicities that accumulate in the body and increase the toxic load on the liver.

  • Incorporate self-care activities into your wellness routine.This can include daily dry brushing, coffee enemas and massage. These actions can help by improving circulation, promoting lymph flow and drainage and promoting more efficient elimination of toxins overall.

Your liver is your body's essential built-in detoxification organ. Completing a Functional Medicine detox provides all the nutrients and herbs your body needs to support and upregulate both phases of liver detoxification as well as promote the effective and safe elimination of stored toxins. It is a science-backed powerful weight loss, wellness and anti-aging solution that can rebalance the body at a deeper level by restoring nutrient deficiencies and removing accumulated toxicities. (Blog source)

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