
Vitamin D and Immune Health

Vitamin D plays a key role in over 300 processes in the body, making it no surprise that it has long been considered a super nutrient. Often called the sunshine vitamin, there is even more of a reason to shine a light on its immune-boosting benefits as we enter the winter season in the U.S.

That's because even though it is important to our health, our body can't make it on its own. In fact, most people get their vitamin D through a chemical reaction that takes place in the skin during sun exposure.

As the sun sets on the summer/fall season and people spend more time indoors, now is the perfect opportunity to ensure you are not a part of more than 40% of the US population estimated to be deficient in vitamin D.

Read on to find out more about this superstar vitamin and how it can power a healthy immune response throughout the year.

Vitamin D and Immune Health

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is required for the body to function well. Your body can source Vitamin D from food as well as produce it naturally in response to sunlight exposure. Unfortunately, many people are deficient and many more are functioning at sub-optimal levels for robust health.

Multiple factors affect the body's ability to produce vitamin D including the season, weather, location, air pollution, sunscreen use, skin tone and age. The body breaks down vitamin D quickly, meaning that stores can run low without regular consumption or consistent direct sunlight exposure. Vitamin D levels have also been shown to decline with age, primarily due to a reduction in either the absorption or metabolism by the liver. Additionally, vegans/vegetarians can be more susceptible to low levels of this vitamin, as the richest dietary sources are predominantly animal-based.

When the body is low in vitamin D, immune function can be affected. Many recent studies have confirmed the significant role of vitamin D in the inflammatory cytokine response. Optimal levels have been shown to protect against invaders; by increasing white blood cell production the ability for harmful replication is decreased.

In addition to immune system support, adequate levels of vitamin D also offers the following benefits:

  • Maintains bone and dental health

  • Increases calcium absorption and balance

  • Supports blood sugar balance, and metabolism

  • Helps increase musculoskeletal strength

  • Supports positive mood

Sources of Vitamin D

1. Dietary Sources

Vitamin D is naturally only present in a handful of foods, which is likely why it is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies. Western diets are particularly low in sources of vitamin D. For this reason, some packaged foods and beverages are fortified with the synthetic version, however, these tend to provide far less of the vitamin than whole food sources.

These foods are notable dietary sources:

  • Fish including salmon, sardines and mackerel

  • Liver

  • Pasture-raised eggs, concentrated in the yolk

  • Certain mushrooms (shiitake)

2. Supplementary

While spending 10-20 minutes in the sun (without sunscreen) is said to be an optimal way to get your daily dose of vitamin D, there are many reasons why this may not be possible. Concerns over the impact of prolonged sun exposure on skin health over time also need to be considered. In addition to limitations from sunlight exposure, as outlined above, getting an adequate intake of vitamin D from diet alone may also prove difficult, which is why supplementation is beneficial and highly recommended for overall health.

Your Vitamin D Solutions

Research suggests that supplemental vitamin D offers a variety of health benefits from improved immune health to improved mood. It's important to distinguish between various types, and know what formulation is best for you. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that includes three compounds: vitamins D1, D2, and D3. The forms of D2 and D3 are most important for humans. While vitamin D2 is most often found in fortified foods, D3 is produced naturally by our bodies.

Here are several effective Vitamin D solutions:

Vitamin D3: High Potency Liquid: A high-potency, liquid vitamin D formula requiring just a couple of drops per day to reach your ideal dosage. This product is ideally used along with a Daily Activated Multi-Vitamin or Daily Nutritional Support shake, which both include vitamin D3 synergistic partners such as magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K.

The D3 formulation offers additional benefits:

  • Concentrated and highly bioavailable

  • Convenient, pleasant tasting and easily mixed

  • Absorption is enhanced when combined with healthy fats

Since many children routinely test outside the optimal range for healthy levels of vitamin D, supplementing their diets can be a good idea with a specially formulated Kid's Vitamin D3 Liquid for children under 50 lbs that offers all the benefits. If you have specific dietary requirements there are also Vegan Vitamin D3 (Capsules) formulated from a sustainable, high-quality plant source as a suitable option.

Since vitamin D is a critical building block for foundational immune health, if you don't consume enough each day or spend adequate time in the sun, it is imperative that you improve levels through supplementation. (Blog source)

Zinc for Immunity: The Mineral for Robust Immune Health

Zinc is a mineral that the body only needs in small amounts, but is required for many vital functions, including being a key player in cell growth and development, thyroid hormone production, also how quickly damaged tissue or wounds repair and heal. Perhaps most important, though, is the role of zinc for immunity. It's key to warding off harmful germs we are exposed to, and research has shown that zinc can shorten the duration of common seasonal respiratory issues.

As an essential trace mineral, zinc must be obtained through dietary intake or supplementation since the body doesn't produce or store it on its own. It is found naturally in many foods and also added to others. Read on to learn more about how to ensure your body is getting enough zinc and how this crucial nutrient can boost your immune health.

Zinc and Immune Health

Zinc's immune-boosting power comes in its ability to create immune cells that fight foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. It acts as a germ roadblock, helping to protect the body from illness. That's why it's important to maintain normal levels of zinc in the body and to supplement when necessary. If your body doesn't receive enough zinc, your immune response can be reduced increasing your risk of feeling unwell.

In addition to supporting a healthy immune system, having adequate levels of Zinc is important for its role in many more functions including:

  • It is a key player in the creation of our DNA and how genes are expressed

  • Supports growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence

  • Helps balance healthy levels of inflammation

  • Supports a healthy gut environment - digestion and absorption

  • Promotes efficient wound healing and skin health

  • Supports eye health

  • Supports metabolic and hormonal function

  • Is needed for sense of smell and taste

Sources of Zinc

Dietary Sources

Because the body doesn't produce zinc on its own, we must include foods that are a source of this essential mineral. As it is only required in small amounts, as long as you're eating a variety of zinc-containing foods daily, there's no need to overload on any one type. The following foods are all rich in zinc, and if consumed regularly, can help maintain optimal levels:

  • Shellfish including oysters, crab, and lobster

  • Chicken

  • Red meat

  • Whole grains

  • Beans and legumes

  • Nuts and seeds


While Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods, some plant-based sources can be less utilized by the body than animal foods. If dietary intake of zinc-rich foods is low or a deficiency is confirmed, supplementing with Zinc is important. It is also a powerful immune booster to use at the first signs of illness or to support a healthy immune system all year round.

Your Zinc Solutions

Zinc has been shown in studies to have the ability to function as an antioxidant, stabilize membranes and take on therapeutic roles with positive effects on immune cells. It is just one of three key immunity essentials, the other two being vitamin C and vitamin D.

Zinc comes in several different forms and preparations. Highly absorbable forms include picolinate, citrate, gluconate and acetate; the latter two are more common in lozenges. Common preparations can include capsules, tablets, melts and nasal sprays.

While Zinc is essential for a healthy immune system, long-term supplementation can deplete other nutrients in the body and lead to further imbalances. Choosing a formula that contains the appropriate co-factors including copper, vitamins C and vitamin B6 and is a great choice for long-term use. As the body has no mechanism to store zinc, if levels are low you may want to consider a highly absorbable and usable form to restore levels more efficiently in the short term or to give the immune system a boost if it needs additional support. Adding the powerful immune-boosting trio of vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc is one of the best ways to give your body the best chance at defending itself against harmful invaders all year long.

Having adequate levels of Zinc is essential from the wide range of functions it supports and if you are unsure whether you are getting enough from your diet or what supplement is right for you, knowing your individual levels is the best way to avoid guessing. You can run a simple at-home lab test to assess all your mineral and electrolyte levels as well as identify if there is a build-up of any heavy metals that can increase the burden on the immune system. Working alongside a certified health practitioner, your results will give you a deeper understanding of your current health and how to restore any imbalances using a personalized wellness plan designed to best support you, your immunity and your overall health. (Blog source)