
The Truth About What You Can’t Out-Supplement

It’s Common Knowledge That:

When it comes to health and wellness, supplements often take center stage. We reach for them to boost our energy, support our immune system, and fill in the nutritional gaps we might be missing from our diet. And while supplements can be powerful allies on our health journey, there’s a hard truth we need to confront: there are some things we simply can’t out-supplement. Whether it's poor diet, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, or chronic stress, no pill or powder can make up for these fundamental aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into the areas where supplements just aren’t enough—and why addressing these foundational elements is crucial for achieving lasting health. Plus, I’ll share a real-life client story that highlights the importance of a holistic approach and introduce you to our new program based on the IHP DESTRESS protocol, designed to help you achieve wellness from every angle. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The Limitations of Supplements

Let’s start by acknowledging the obvious—supplements are incredibly useful. They can support everything from gut health to brain function, and they’re an essential tool for addressing specific deficiencies. But here’s the reality: supplements alone won’t fix a poor lifestyle. They can’t override the effects of consistently unhealthy choices, and they certainly can’t replace the basics that your body needs to thrive.


4 Key Areas You Can’t Out-Supplement

1. Poor Diet

Think you can eat junk food all day and balance it out with a multivitamin? Think again. Whole, nutrient-dense foods provide essential nutrients, fiber, and phytonutrients that no supplement can fully replicate. Your body thrives on real food, not just the isolated nutrients found in a pill.

2. Lack of Exercise

Movement is medicine. Regular exercise supports cardiovascular health, boosts mood, enhances brain function, and so much more. No supplement can give you the benefits of a good workout. Your body needs movement to stay strong, flexible, and resilient.

3. Poor Sleep Hygiene

While supplements like melatonin or magnesium can help with sleep, they can’t make up for poor sleep habits. Consistent, quality sleep is non-negotiable. Your body and mind need that restorative time to repair, detoxify, and prepare for the day ahead.

4. Stress

Stress is often the silent saboteur of all your health efforts. Chronic stress affects every system in your body, leading to issues like gut imbalances, hormonal disruptions, and weakened immunity. And here’s the kicker—no supplement can fix stress if you’re not addressing its root causes.


A Case study: The Importance of Addressing Stress

Let me share a story with you. One of my clients, who had just completed the CBO gut rebalancing Protocol, was on the path to recovery from her gut issues. She was feeling great—full of energy and optimism. But there was one thing she didn’t address: the stress in her life.

As time went on, the stress took its toll. Slowly but surely, her gut issues started to creep back in. Fatigue set in, and the symptoms she thought she had conquered began to reappear. It was as if all her hard work had been undone.

This setback was a wake-up call. Supplements alone couldn’t solve her problems because they weren’t addressing the root cause—stress. That’s when we revisited the entire IHP DESTRESS™ Protocol, with a special focus on stress reduction. Once she committed to a holistic approach, balancing not just her gut but also her stress levels, she finally saw lasting improvement. Her health rebounded, and this time, it stayed that way.

The Solution: The DESTRESS Protocol

This story highlights a crucial point: true, lasting health comes from addressing every aspect of your lifestyle. The DESTRESS Protocol™ isn’t just about taking the right supplements—it’s about a comprehensive approach that covers:

  • Diet: Fueling your body with the right nutrients

  • Exercise: Incorporating effective movement for vitality

  • Stress Reduction: Techniques to manage and lower stress

  • Toxin Removal: Eliminating harmful substances from your body

  • Rest: Ensuring restorative sleep and relaxation

  • Emotional Balance: Cultivating a positive and resilient mindset

  • Success Mindset: Developing a growth-oriented approach to achieve your goals

  • Science-backed Supplements: Using evidence-based supplements to support your health

By integrating all these elements, you create a foundation for health that supplements can enhance, rather than replace. It’s about working with your body’s natural processes, not trying to shortcut them.

Introducing Our New ABUNDANT ENERGY Program

If you’re the kind of person who’s ready to take your health to the next level, I’m excited to introduce our new ABUNDANT ENERGY program based on the DESTRESS™ Protocol! This program is designed to guide you through all 8 points of the DESTRESS™ Protocol with detailed videos, helpful downloads, and an option to upgrade to our LifeForce 360 weekly live group coaching.

This program isn’t just about adding more supplements to your regimen—it’s about equipping you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to create real, lasting change in your life. Whether you’re struggling with stress, poor sleep, or simply want to optimize your health, the ABUNDANT ENERGY to DESTRESS™ program offers a holistic solution that addresses every aspect of your well-being. Learn More HERE

It’s Clear That:

Supplements are powerful, but they’re not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. To truly thrive, you need to focus on the fundamentals—eating well, moving your body, getting quality sleep, and managing stress. If you’re relying on supplements alone, it’s time to reconsider your approach and start working on the whole picture.

Ready to get started? Check out our ABUNDANT ENERGY to DESTRESS™ program and take the first step towards achieving wellness from every angle. Remember, true health isn’t something you can out-supplement—it’s something you build, one healthy habit at a time.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at

Bending Time for Well-Being: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Mastering Sleep and Stress Management

It’s Common Knowledge That…

As a entrepreneur, your time is precious, and your health is vital. But what if I told you that time is merely an illusion, a construct created by our minds? Quantum physics reveals fascinating facts that challenge our traditional understanding of time. In this blog, we'll explore the illusory nature of time, its impact on your health and well-being, and how daylight saving time plays a role in your entrepreneurial journey. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The Quantum Perspective

In the quantum world, time loses its rigidity. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is relative, affected by gravity and motion. This phenomenon, known as time dilation, blurs the fixed notion of time. Additionally, quantum mechanics introduces non-locality, where particles can be entangled, existing in multiple places simultaneously. This challenges the linear progression of time, suggesting that all moments exist at once.

The Construction of Time

So, if time isn't an absolute truth, how did we construct this illusion? Humanity created timekeeping systems, like clocks and calendars, to make sense of the world. We divided the day into hours, minutes, and seconds, imposing a structure on the fluid nature of existence. As a woman entrepreneur, you've likely created your own time management systems to juggle work, family, and personal responsibilities.

Effects of Time on Health and Well-being

But how does this construct impact your health and well-being? Research shows that your perception of time affects:

• Circadian rhythms: Disruptions to natural sleep-wake cycles lead to sleep disorders, obesity, and chronic diseases.

• Stress and anxiety: The pressure to manage time and meet deadlines contributes to mental health issues.

• Aging: The subjective experience of time influences your perception of aging and longevity.

Daylight Saving Time: A Human Construct with Health Consequences

Enter daylight saving time (DST), a construct within a construct. By adjusting clocks forward or backward, we attempt to optimize sunlight usage. However, this artificial manipulation of time has significant effects on your health and well-being:

• Increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and accidents due to disrupted circadian rhythms

• Negative impacts on mental health, including increased rates of depression and anxiety

• Altered sleep patterns, affecting children's development and cognitive function (if you're a mom entrepreneur)

Reclaiming Well-being as an Entrepreneur

By acknowledging the fluidity of time and the impact of DST on your health, you can reclaim your well-being and reassess your relationship with time. Consider these strategies:

You’re going to love these five healthy tips based on circadian rhythm based upon integrative health principles:

1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock and promotes better sleep quality. For an easier DST transition, gradually increase or decrease your bedtime by 15 minutes every other day during the week before the time change. 

2. Expose Yourself to Natural Light: Get exposure to natural sunlight during the day, especially in the morning. Natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm and promotes wakefulness during the day, which can improve sleep quality at night.

3. Limit Exposure to Artificial Light at Night: Minimize exposure to screens from electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers before bedtime. The blue light emitted by these devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep.

4. Eat a Balanced Diet at Regular Times: Consume meals at consistent times each day and focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber and lean easy to digest proteins. Avoid heavy meals 3 hours before bedtime, as they can interfere with digestion and disrupt sleep.

5. Incorporate Relaxation Techniques Before Bed: Develop a relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. This could include activities such as reading, gentle stretching, meditation, or taking a warm bath. These practices can help reduce stress and prepare your body for restful sleep aligned with your circadian rhythm.

Avoid failure and Reach Success

Time, once thought to be a fixed and objective reality, reveals itself as an illusion, a construct born from human ingenuity and quantum uncertainty. As an entrepreneur, recognizing this illusion can liberate you from the constraints of time and empower you to prioritize your health and well-being. By redefining your relationship with time and acknowledging the effects of DST, you can avoid failure and create a more sustainable and successful entrepreneurial journey.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at

Conquer Post-Viral Anxiety: The Integrative Health Approach for Women Entrepreneurs

You Deserve It:

Congratulations on navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship, especially during these unprecedented times. As resilient leaders, you've likely weathered the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic, adapting your businesses to thrive in the face of adversity. However, amidst the triumphs, many of you may be grappling with a silent adversary: post-viral anxiety.

Post-viral anxiety is a stealthy foe, often lingering long after the physical symptoms of illness have subsided. It can manifest as persistent worry, fear of the unknown, and an overwhelming sense of unease that threatens to derail your entrepreneurial journey. But fear not, for in this blog, we'll delve into the depths of post-viral anxiety, uncovering its hidden triggers, and unveil the empowering solution that integrative health offers to reclaim your mental well-being and propel you towards success. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Understanding Post-Viral Anxiety:

Picture this: you've battled through the fever, the cough, the fatigue of a viral illness like COVID-19. Physically, you've triumphed over the virus, but mentally, you find yourself trapped in a cycle of apprehension and uncertainty. This is the insidious nature of post-viral anxiety, a condition that affects not only your mental health but also your ability to function optimally in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Post-viral anxiety can manifest in various forms:

1. Persistent Worry: You find yourself constantly fretting about the future of your business, the economic landscape, and the uncertainties that lie ahead.

2. Fear of Failure: Despite your past successes, you're plagued by self-doubt and a nagging fear of failure, hindering your decision-making and creative processes.

3. Physical Symptoms: Headaches, insomnia, gastrointestinal distress – your body may bear the physical manifestations of the stress and anxiety that accompany post-viral recovery.

4. Social Withdrawal: The isolation imposed by illness, compounded by lingering anxiety, may lead to withdrawal from social interactions, impacting both your personal and professional relationships.

The chaLLENGES of Post-Viral Anxiety:

As entrepreneurs, you're no strangers to adversity. However, the unique challenges posed by post-viral anxiety can be particularly debilitating, threatening to undermine your hard-earned successes and impede your journey towards your goals.

1. Productivity Plateaus: Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself struggling to maintain the same level of productivity and focus that once propelled your business forward.

2. Creative Blockages: The creative wellspring from which you draw inspiration may run dry in the face of anxiety, stifling innovation and hindering your ability to adapt to changing market dynamics.

3. Relationship Strain: The toll of post-viral anxiety isn't limited to your professional life – it can seep into your personal relationships, leading to strain and discord that further exacerbate your mental distress.

4. Health Impacts: The mind-body connection is undeniable, and the chronic stress associated with post-viral anxiety can take a toll on your physical health, compromising your overall well-being.

Unearthing the Root Causes:

To effectively combat post-viral anxiety, it's essential to dig deep and unearth the underlying root causes that fuel its insidious grip on your psyche. While the triggers may vary from individual to individual, some common culprits include:

1. Neurochemical Imbalance: The physiological impact of viral illness on the brain can disrupt neurotransmitter levels, contributing to mood disturbances and anxiety disorders.

2. Trauma Response: The experience of battling a serious illness like COVID-19 can evoke feelings of trauma, triggering a heightened stress response that persists long after the physical symptoms have resolved.

3. Psychosocial Factors: External stressors such as financial worries, social isolation, and the pressure to succeed in a competitive marketplace can exacerbate post-viral anxiety and impede recovery.

4. Inflammatory Pathways: Emerging research suggests a link between inflammation and mental health disorders, with chronic inflammation associated with both viral illness and anxiety-related conditions.

The Integrative Health Solution:

In the face of post-viral anxiety, conventional approaches often fall short, relying solely on pharmaceutical interventions or cognitive-behavioral therapy to manage symptoms. However, integrative health offers a holistic alternative that addresses the root causes of anxiety, empowering you to reclaim your mental well-being and thrive as a woman entrepreneur.

So, what exactly is integrative health, and how can it benefit you? At its core, integrative health combines the best of conventional medicine with evidence-based complementary therapies, embracing a whole-person approach that nurtures mind, body, and spirit.

Eliminating the Guesswork:

You might be wondering how to eliminate the guesswork. Introducing precision at-home functional lab testing to discover the underlying root causes marks a pivotal shift in personalized wellness within integrative health. Unlike traditional approaches that may generalize treatment, these tests delve into the intricate nuances of individual biochemistry, uncovering specific imbalances or deficiencies unique to each person. By embracing this innovative method, integrative health practitioners can tailor personalized wellness plans that precisely target the underlying causes of health concerns. Whether it's identifying nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or toxic burdens, these tests empower individuals to take proactive steps towards optimizing their health and well-being. With the insights gained from these tests, individuals can make informed decisions about their health, paving the way for targeted interventions that address the root cause rather than just managing symptoms.

Wellbeing is an Equation:

Following the revelation of test results, the journey toward holistic well-being continues with a focus on the equation of removing toxicities and replacing deficiencies. Armed with a deeper understanding of their body's unique needs, individuals can embark on a journey of healing by eliminating environmental toxins, addressing nutrient deficiencies, and restoring balance to their biochemistry. Integrative health practitioners guide this process, leveraging evidence-based interventions to support detoxification pathways and replenish vital nutrients. Through targeted nutritional support, lifestyle modifications, and personalized supplementation, individuals can restore harmony within their body, fostering resilience to stress and promoting overall well-being. By addressing both the toxic burdens and nutritional deficiencies identified through precision testing, integrative health empowers individuals to take proactive control of their health, laying the foundation for a vibrant and fulfilling life.

 Here's a deeper look at how integrative health can serve as your beacon of hope amidst the storm of post-viral anxiety:

1. Personalized Wellness Plans: Integrative health practitioners recognize that no two individuals are alike, tailoring wellness plans to address your bio-individual needs, preferences, and goals. Whether you prefer acupuncture, mindfulness, meditation, or nutritional counseling, integrative health offers a diverse toolkit of therapies to support your journey towards healing.

2. Mind-Body Integration: Unlike conventional medicine, which often compartmentalizes mental and physical health, integrative health recognizes the intimate connection between mind and body. Through practices such as yoga, Qigong, tai chi, hypnosis and breathwork, you'll learn to cultivate mindfulness and harness the power of your body's innate healing wisdom to combat anxiety and restore balance.

3. Nutritional Support: The gut-brain axis plays a pivotal role in mental health, and integrative health emphasizes the importance of nutrition in supporting optimal brain function. By fueling your body with nourishing foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and probiotics, you'll bolster your resilience to stress and promote emotional well-being from the inside out.

4. Stress Reduction Techniques: In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a ubiquitous presence, wreaking havoc on our mental and physical health. Integrative health equips you with practical tools and techniques to manage stress effectively, from mindfulness-based stress reduction to biofeedback and relaxation therapies.

5. Community and Support: As women entrepreneurs, the journey towards success can often feel lonely and isolating. Integrative health offers a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your commitment to holistic well-being, providing a safe space to connect, share experiences, and draw strength from one another.

Together is Better:

The path to success is fraught with challenges, but with the right support and guidance, you have the power to avoid failure and overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. If you're struggling with post-viral anxiety or simply seeking to optimize your mental and emotional well-being, I invite you to take the first step towards transformation today.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Love Energy Wellness, where our team of integrative health experts will partner with you to develop a personalized roadmap to wellness. Together, we'll harness the power of integrative health to unlock your full potential, enabling you to thrive as a woman entrepreneur and lead with confidence, clarity, and resilience.

Don't let post-viral anxiety dim your light or derail your dreams – reclaim your power, embrace your journey, and soar to new heights of success with integrative health by your side.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at

Harnessing Harmony: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Business Mind

It’s Common Knowledge :

Entrepreneurship is a journey fraught with challenges, both mental and physical. In the pursuit of success, entrepreneurs often find themselves navigating a complex landscape that demands resilience, creativity, and adaptability. In the realms of qigong and Tai Chi, ancient Chinese practices rooted in philosophy and martial arts, the concept of Wuji holds profound lessons that can be applied to the mental and physical challenges faced by entrepreneurs. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

1. Emptiness and Potentiality:

In the entrepreneurial journey, embracing the concept of Wuji can be transformative. Wuji, as a state of emptiness and limitless potential, mirrors the early stages of entrepreneurship. Before an idea takes shape or a business plan is executed, there exists a realm of infinite possibilities. Entrepreneurs can draw inspiration from Wuji to cultivate a mindset of open-mindedness, creativity, and receptivity to new ideas.

Just as Wuji symbolizes the free flow of energy without obstruction, entrepreneurs can benefit from allowing their creative energies to flow freely, unencumbered by preconceived notions or limitations. This openness to potentiality can be a driving force behind innovative thinking and problem-solving.

2. Preparation and Stillness:

Entrepreneurial success often begins with adequate preparation and a foundation built on stillness. In the world of qigong and Tai Chi, practitioners start with the Wuji stance – a posture of neutrality and relaxation. Similarly, entrepreneurs can benefit from moments of stillness and introspection before diving into the hustle and bustle of business activities.

The Wuji stance, with its feet shoulder-width apart and relaxed posture, represents a mental and physical reset. Entrepreneurs can adopt a similar practice by taking time for mindfulness, meditation, or simply moments of quiet reflection. This prepares them for the challenges ahead, fostering a calm and focused mindset that is essential for making informed decisions and navigating uncertainties.

3. Unity of Mind and Body:

Wuji emphasizes the integration of mind, body, and breath – a principle highly relevant to the entrepreneurial journey. The dynamic nature of entrepreneurship requires a holistic approach where mental clarity and physical well-being are intertwined.

Entrepreneurs can learn from Wuji's emphasis on cultivating a state of mental clarity and physical relaxation. Through mindfulness practices, conscious breathing, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, entrepreneurs can align their mental and physical faculties. This unity creates a foundation for sustained focus, creativity, and resilience in the face of challenges.

4. Transition to Tai Chi Movements:

Much like the transition from Wuji to Tai Chi movements, entrepreneurs experience a shift from ideation and planning to the execution of business strategies. The principles of Yin and Yang, central to Tai Chi, come into play as entrepreneurs balance opposing forces such as:

  • risk and reward

  • innovation and stability, and 

  • flexibility and structure.

Entrepreneurs can approach transitions in their business journey with the fluidity and deliberation seen in Tai Chi movements. By maintaining a sense of rootedness in the principles of Wuji, they can navigate changes with adaptability and grace, ensuring a harmonious progression through the entrepreneurial landscape.

5. Energetic Alignment:

In the practice of qigong and Tai Chi, Wuji serves as a foundational principle for aligning and circulating the body's energy (qi). Similarly, entrepreneurs can benefit from aligning their energetic resources – mental, emotional, and physical – to achieve a state of dynamic equilibrium.

Entrepreneurial endeavors are energy-intensive, and maintaining a balance is crucial for long-term success. By connecting with the Wuji state, entrepreneurs can optimize their energy flow, promoting both health and vitality. This alignment fosters a sustainable approach to entrepreneurship, preventing burnout and enhancing overall well-being.

Bringing it Back to Business:

In the intricate dance of entrepreneurship, the ancient wisdom embedded in the concept of Wuji offers valuable insights. Embracing emptiness and potentiality, preparing with stillness, unifying mind and body, navigating transitions with grace, and aligning energetic resources – these principles can guide entrepreneurs through the mental and physical challenges they encounter on their journey.

As entrepreneurs tread the path of innovation and resilience, the lessons of Wuji serve as a timeless source of inspiration. By integrating these principles into their mindset and practices, entrepreneurs can cultivate a balanced and harmonious approach, unlocking the limitless potential within themselves and their ventures.

Jeffrey Mort is Baguazhang certified, a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at

Illuminating the Path to Happiness: The Transformative Impact of Red Light Therapy on Wellness and Cognitive Health

In the hustle and bustle of modern life,

stress and anxiety have become unwelcome companions for many. The incessant demands of work, family, and social responsibilities often leave us feeling drained, both mentally and emotionally. But what if there was a simple, natural solution to brighten our days and enhance our overall well-being? Enter red-light therapy (RLT), a beacon of hope in the realm of integrative health that not only illuminates our surroundings but promises to light up the pathways to happiness by influencing serotonin levels in the brain. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Understanding Red-Light Therapy:

Before we delve into the profound effects of RLT on brain function and serotonin, let's shed some light on the different types of red light and their unique benefits. RLT utilizes low-level wavelengths of red light, typically in the range of 630-660 nanometers, to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular activity. This therapy can be delivered through various devices, including LEDs, lasers, and lamps.

Types of Red Light and Their Benefits:

1. Red Light (630-700 nm):

   - Boosts circulation and promotes wound healing.

   - Enhances skin health and collagen production.

2. Near-Infrared Light (700-1100 nm):

   - Penetrates deeper into tissues, aiding muscle recovery.

   - Supports joint health and reduces inflammation.

The Illuminating Effects on Brain Function:

Numerous studies have highlighted the remarkable impact of RLT on brain function. A study published in the "Journal of Psychopharmacology" found that exposure to red light led to increased cerebral oxygenation and improved cognitive function in healthy young adults (Dawson et al., 2018). This increased oxygenation may contribute to enhanced serotonin production, crucial for regulating mood and happiness.

Elevating Serotonin Levels and Boosting Mood:

Serotonin, often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, plays a pivotal role in regulating mood and emotional well-being. Research suggests that RLT can stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain, potentially alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety (Aimbire et al., 2018). The therapeutic effects of red light extend beyond mere illumination, offering a holistic approach to mental health.

Guarding Against Neurodegenerative Diseases:

As we age, the risk of neurodegenerative diseases looms large. The neuroprotective properties of RLT have been explored in research, indicating its potential to mitigate the progression of conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease (Purushothuman et al., 2013). The ability of red light to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain provides a promising avenue for preventive healthcare.

Implementing Red-Light Therapy for Optimal Results:

To harness the benefits of RLT and brighten the pathways to happiness, consider the following suggestions:

1. Choose the Right Device:

   Select a high-quality RLT device with the appropriate wavelengths for optimal results.

2. Consistency is Key:

   Incorporate RLT into your routine consistently, preferably on a daily basis, to maintain its positive effects.

3. Duration and Distance:

   Follow the recommended duration and distance guidelines for your chosen device to ensure safe and effective therapy.

4. Combine with Healthy Lifestyle Choices:

   Complement RLT with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep to maximize its impact on overall well-being. 

Don’t Guess, Test! 

It is also advisable to monitor neurotransmitter levels through precision at-home functional medicine lab testing to ensure that serotonin levels are within the optimal range. By doing so, individuals can track the therapy's effectiveness and, along with their Integrative Health Coach, make informed decisions about their health regimen.

Avoiding Pitfalls and Achieving Success:

To avoid disappointment and maximize the benefits of RLT, it's crucial to adhere to the recommended guidelines and stay committed to your routine. Consistency is the key to success, and integrating red-light therapy into your holistic health plan can lead to a brighter, happier you.

In conclusion, the radiant effects of red-light therapy on brain function and serotonin levels offer a beacon of hope in the pursuit of happiness. As we illuminate our way through the realm of integrative health, the gentle glow of red light may just be the missing piece to brightening our days and enhancing our overall well-being. So, why not let the warm embrace of red light be your guide on the journey to a happier, healthier life?

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

Tackling the Holiday Stress Epidemic: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Surviving the Season with Science and Self-care

As You Already Know…

The holiday season is often hailed as a time of joy, celebration, and connection. However, for solo digital entrepreneurs, the festive period can bring unique stressors that impact both their personal and professional lives. In this blog post, we'll explore the biology behind stress and the Holiday Perseverance Agenda (HPA) axis in layman's terms. We'll also delve into a functional medicine approach, incorporating science-backed supplements to buffer against stress. Additionally, we'll highlight lifestyle adjustments that can be instrumental in maintaining well-being during these demanding times. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Understanding the HPA Axis:

The HPA axis, can be considered your “Holiday Perseverance Agenda”, is a system in our body that plays a crucial role in how we respond to stress. Think of it as your internal stress management team. The HPA axis involves the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands working in harmony.

1. Hypothalamus: This brain region senses stress and triggers the release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).

2. Pituitary Gland: CRH signals the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

3. Adrenal Glands: ACTH prompts the adrenal glands to release cortisol and adrenaline, the body's primary stress hormones.

During the holidays, the HPA axis can go into overdrive, leading to increased cortisol levels and heightened stress responses. This can be particularly challenging for solo digital entrepreneurs juggling multiple responsibilities. So what can we do about it?

Functional Medicine Grade Supplements can buffer stress:

1. Activated B Vitamins:

   - *Function:* B vitamins play a crucial role in energy metabolism and neurotransmitter synthesis. Activated functional grade B vitamins are more effective than common vitamins because they are in a bioavailable form that the body can readily use, bypassing the need for conversion by the liver. This ensures higher absorption and utilization of the vitamins, resulting in enhanced therapeutic benefits and overall efficacy.

   - *How it helps:* Activated B vitamins, like methylcobalamin (B12) and 5-MTHF (folate), support the nervous system and help regulate mood, reducing the impact of stress.

2. Full Spectrum Magnesium:

   - *Function:* Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including relaxation of muscles and regulation of stress hormones. Full-spectrum functional grade magnesium is considered more effective than common magnesium supplements because it contains a broader array of magnesium compounds, allowing for better absorption and utilization by the body. This comprehensive approach ensures a synergistic effect of various magnesium forms, enhancing overall bioavailability and therapeutic benefits.

   - *How it helps:* A full-spectrum magnesium supplement can ease muscle tension and promote a sense of calm, counteracting the physical manifestations of stress.

3. Ashwagandha:

   - *Function:* An adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha helps the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. Ashwagandha root extract when given to subjects with chronic stress problems, showed improved resistance to stress after 60 days of supplementation and a self-reported increase in quality of life.

   - *How it helps:* Ashwagandha can mitigate the effects of chronic stress, promoting a more resilient response to challenges.

4. Melatonin:

   - *Function:* Getting a good night's sleep can be difficult. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland that helps to regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythm (sleep wake cycle). Supplementing with Melatonin Liquid is a popular method of regulating sleep by counteracting many possible sleep disrupting factors of a stressful lifestyle. Melatonin Liquid can help improve sleep efficiency, so you wake up feeling more rested and ready to start the day.

   - *How it helps:* During stressful times, sleep can be compromised. Melatonin supplementation can aid in achieving restful sleep, essential for overall well-being.

4 quick Lifestyle Adjustments:

1. Mindful Practices:

   - Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation and deep breathing to manage stress.

2. Prioritize Sleep:

   - Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to support quality rest.

3. Nutrient-Dense Diet:

   - Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods to support overall health and resilience to stress.

4. Time Management:

   - Set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and schedule breaks to prevent burnout.

wrapping it all up:

As a solo digital entrepreneur navigating the holiday season, integrating functional medicine grade supplements and adopting lifestyle adjustments can be instrumental in buffering against stress. By understanding the biology of the HPA axis and taking a holistic approach under the guidance of a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, you can not only survive but thrive during the festive hustle. Remember, your well-being is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your family this holiday season.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. 

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

Unlocking Greatness: Shattering Entrepreneurial Boundaries with the Power of Craniosacral Therapy & Energy Healing

In today’s exploration, we'll uncover the hidden mysteries of energy cysts, those subtle obstacles within your body that can hinder your vitality and success. But don't worry; we've got a solution for you – craniosacral therapy (CST). 

The Origin of CST

CST, also known as cranio-osteopathy or craniosacral therapy, traces its roots back to Dr. William Garner Sutherland in the early 20th century. Dr. Sutherland's observations of cranial bone movements and cerebrospinal fluid led to the development of this holistic approach. He believed that subtle rhythmic movements in the skull played a vital role in maintaining health and vitality.

Dr. John Upledger's Contribution

Another significant figure in CST's evolution was Dr. John Upledger. He co-founded the Upledger Institute in 1985, which played a pivotal role in promoting and teaching CST worldwide. His work helped raise awareness about this therapy within both the healthcare community and the general public.

Understanding CST

CST focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord. Through gentle, hands-on techniques, CST practitioners aim to enhance the functioning of this system. Their primary goal is to trigger the body's self-healing mechanisms, ultimately improving overall health and well-being.

Health Benefits of CST

  • Stress Reduction: CST promotes relaxation and balances the nervous system, reducing the physical and emotional effects of stress.

  • Pain Relief: It can alleviate various types of pain, including headaches and musculoskeletal discomfort, by addressing underlying structural and fascial imbalances.

  • Improved Immune Function: Some believe that CST enhances the immune system by optimizing cerebrospinal fluid flow and improving the body's ability to combat illness.

Somatoemotional Release (SER)

SER is a branch of CST that focuses on the interconnectedness of physical and emotional health. It posits that physical symptoms and pain may be linked to unresolved emotional or psychological trauma stored in the body tissues. Releasing these emotional blockages can lead to physical and emotional healing simultaneously.

CST and SER's Impact on Mind, Body, and Business

  • Mind: CST aids in stress management, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting relaxation – crucial for entrepreneurs who need to make strategic decisions.

  • Body: It provides pain relief, increased energy, and vitality – essential for entrepreneurs to stay productive.

  • Entrepreneurial Success: CST can stimulate creativity and improve emotional resilience, both vital for entrepreneurial success.

To experience the benefits of CST and SER, follow these steps:

  • Do your due diligence: Read "Your Inner Physician and You" by Dr. John E. Upledger, explore the Upledger Institute's website, and find a trained professional on their directory.

  • Consult a professional: Discuss with your clinician how many sessions may be right for you.

  • Commit to the process: Understand that it might not be a one-time fix but a process of healing and renewal.

Cautionary Note

While CST and SER have benefitted many, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. It is essential to consult with healthcare professionals and consider CST as complementary therapy.

In conclusion, craniosacral therapy and somatoemotional release offer an integrative approach to health and well-being. Their ability to alleviate stress, pain, and enhance creativity can significantly impact the lives of entrepreneurs. Remember that CST and SER are complementary therapies, and their effectiveness may vary from person to person.

So, are you ready to break the boundaries of your mind, body, and business with integrative health? Take the first step today and explore the potential of craniosacral therapy. Your path to vitality and success awaits.

Jeffrey Mort is an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a National Guild of Hypnotists Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy so they can better serve their clients, families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

DEMYSTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY: The Hidden Costs of Multitasking and Strategies for Peak Performance

Welcome, Boundary Breakers, to a mind-bending journey where we shatter illusions and challenge the very fabric of productivity. In today’s blog, we delve into the realm of thought reversal to unveil a stunning truth - Multitasking, long hailed as a holy grail of efficiency, is, in fact, the elusive saboteur of our precious time and sacred mental well-being. Prepare to have your preconceptions unraveled, your paradigm shattered, and your approach to productivity transformed.

The Hidden Costs of Multitasking

Multitasking, or the attempt to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and quickly, has been associated with efficiency and productivity. However, a closer look reveals that multitasking leads to dual-task interference, where the performance of multiple cognitive and motor tasks suffers due to divided attention.

For entrepreneurs, this habit can have significant consequences, resulting in:

1. Up to 40% decrease in efficiency: According to the American Psychological Association, multitasking costs us up to 40% of our efficiency, making us less productive overall.

2. Increased errors and reduced quality: Juggling multiple tasks dilutes the quality of our work and makes us more prone to making mistakes.

3. Added stress and burnout: Multitasking puts a strain on the brain, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even burnout.

4. Impaired focus and attention: Engaging in media multitasking negatively affects attention, working memory, and overall cognitive performance.

Mastering Your Attention for Increased Productivity

To avoid the pitfalls of multitasking and stay focused on important tasks, consider implementing the following methods:

1. Prioritize with the Eisenhower Matrix: This time management tool divides tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance. Focus on tasks in Quadrant 1 (urgent and important), schedule tasks in Quadrant 2 (important but not urgent), delegate or minimize tasks in Quadrant 3 (urgent but not important), and eliminate or minimize tasks in Quadrant 4 (not urgent and not important).

2. Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks throughout the day. Dedicate focused attention to one task during each time block, avoiding distractions. Take short breaks between time blocks to recharge.

3. Single Tasking and the Pomodoro Technique: Focus on one task at a time until completed or at a natural stopping point. The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking work into 25-minute focused intervals followed by 5-minute breaks. After four Pomodoro intervals, take a more extended break.

Embrace the Power of Focused Attention

By mastering your attention and avoiding multitasking, you can unlock your full productivity potential as an entrepreneur. Not only will you achieve better work outcomes, but you'll also experience reduced stress and increased mental well-being.

Remember, effective time management requires discipline and practice. Start small, and gradually build the habit of single-tasking and prioritizing with the Eisenhower Matrix. Your brain and your business will thank you for it.

Listen to the Podcast for More Insights

Ready to delve deeper into the world of integrative health and breaking boundaries? Join Jeffrey Mort on the Breaking Boundaries podcast, where he shares actionable steps to create ultra-healthy and laser-focused super achievers. Learn how to improve your energy, performance, and confidence to take your life and business to the next level.

Visit and click on the podcast button for all the show notes and links to listen to the podcast episodes. Embrace the power of focused attention and start breaking the boundaries of your mind, body, and business with integrative health. Your possibilities are limitless.

Remember, your time and mental well-being are precious. Choose to break free from the multitasking myth and step into a realm of enhanced productivity and mental clarity. Your journey to success begins with a focused mind.

As you already know, focus is a crucial ingredient to a successful business. The Find Your Focus training is an audio download designed to help entrepreneurs shift from a state of overwhelm to one of deep concentration and focus. This hypnosis audio uses powerful techniques to guide you into a state of relaxation and calm, enabling you to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand.

Understanding Migraines and Headaches

Migraines and headaches can be difficult to understand. Despite the many years — and many dollars — spent researching causes and seeking solutions, people around the world still suffer from debilitating headaches that can come on without warning and last for days.

Migraines can come in many shapes and forms, but they all include serious pain and fatigue. Perhaps the most challenging part of migraines is their unpredictability. Migraine sufferers can go from feeling completely healthy and vibrant to feeling totally debilitated in a matter of just a few hours. This can cause serious problems in the workplace and at home, where individuals have to scramble to get their responsibilities covered while they are out of commission because of their headaches.

Is It a Migraine?

When a migraine first strikes, it can be hard to recognize. For some people, it's difficult to tell if they are suffering from a headache or something more serious. There are some medications that are helpful, but they can also have side effects. For many people, the available treatments simply don't provide relief.

When nothing seems to help the pain, it's easy to get discouraged. Like many other chronic conditions, the stress and tension of not being able to find relief from your pain can make your symptoms worse.

Understanding Your Symptoms

There are a variety of symptoms that accompany migraines, which can sometimes lead to a misdiagnosis. Besides intense, focused pain in the head, here are some of the other signs of a migraine:

  • Dull, aching pain on one or both sides of the head

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Extreme sensitivity to light

  • Fatigue and brain fog

  • Stiffness/tenderness in the neck

  • Sensitivity of the scalp

  • Blurred vision or blind spots

  • Sinus tension or pain

  • Lightheadedness or difficulty with balance

If you have any of these other symptoms that come and go without warning along with your headaches, there's a good chance that you are experiencing migraines. That's why your headache hasn't been responding to the typical over-the-counter remedies.

What Causes Headaches?

While the fundamental cause of migraines can differ depending on the individual, there are underlying mechanisms in the body that create the sensation of migraines. Basically, tension and stress restrict the veins and arteries in the body. When your veins and arteries are restricted, blood flow decreases, which can ultimately lead to many different symptoms.

There are many factors that can lead to a full-blown migraine; of course, stress is a factor. Unfortunately, many stress-relieving activities like eating sugar, having a glass of wine, or even very rigorous exercise can ultimately contribute to your migraines.

Common Triggers of Migraines

Even though there are many things that can trigger migraines, several factors are fairly common. Here are some of the biggest culprits of migraines:

Dehydration: If you don't have a regular routine of hydrating before bed, you could actually end up going more than 14 hours without water by the time you wake up in the morning. This can lead to pain in any part of the body, but can be particularly uncomfortable if you are prone to migraines.

Food allergies: Any foods that cause a histamine-based reaction — like lobster, shrimp, smoked/fermented food and even cinnamon — could be aggravating your migraine. These foods contain a lot of cytokines that can cause restriction of the arteries.

Posture: Anyone with recurring migraines should consider whether their posture is causing them to hold tension in the head or neck. If you have a misaligned posture, clenched jaw, or are even over-straining your eyes, you could be exacerbating your migraines. Sometimes little adjustments in posture can make a big difference.

Blood sugar levels: If you have imbalanced blood sugar levels, you could end up with recurring headaches. An imbalance in blood sugar can be caused by a variety of diet factors, but if you suspect blood sugar may be causing your migraines, you should consider limiting your sugar intake and reducing added sugar from your diet as much as possible.

Getting to the Bottom of Your Pain

If you have already eliminated the above factors, you may feel like you're at a dead-end in determining the source of your migraines. Because migraines are linked to constricted blood vessels, which have many causes, it can be challenging to get to the bottom of your headaches.

To help track down what's causing your headaches, keep an open mind as you gather information about why you may be experiencing migraines. Issues like environmental toxins, imbalances with your hormone levels, and even leaky-gut syndrome could be the ultimate reason why you are having pain.

There are some questions migraine sufferers should ask themselves to help zero in on a cause. For example, are your headaches worse at a particular time of the day? This could indicate that hormone imbalances are at play. Do you suffer most in the morning? This could indicate issues with dehydration, sodium levels, or your adrenals. Do you find that your migraines spring up after meals? This could be an indication that you may be suffering from a leaky-gut issue.

Treating Migraines at Home

Luckily, there are things you can do at home to relieve your pain. Using hot/cold compresses can be particularly helpful for migraines. Some migraine sufferers find relief using a cold compress on the head, and a warm compress at the feet to encourage blood flow.

Deep breathing exercises and routines can be another way to manage migraine pain. Yoga or meditation breathing exercises can help you relax, which can relieve pain.

Finally, get your body moving, even in very gentle ways. Because so much of the pain of migraines can be attributed to blood flow issues, increasing exercise and movement can be a key to relieving pain, even when moving seems almost impossible. Start small, with gentle, slow walks or even exercises you can do while sitting in a chair.

Tackling Your Migraines

Like so many chronic conditions, healing migraines requires paying close attention to your body. While your migraines can often seem to come on at random, there are usually triggers. A wide variety of factors could be contributing to your pain — your diet, toxins in your environment, gut issues, hormonal issues and more.

There are specialized at-home lab tests you can take to help you understand what triggers your condition and how you can move forward. You may want to start with one that takes an in-depth look at your body's heavy metal toxicity and mineral levels.

Case Study: Migraines & Exercise

Brooke is a 45-year-old marathon runner who has always been in great shape because of her active hobby. But in the last couple of years, she began suffering from migraines. Even though she made diet changes and tried some prescription medications, the migraines seemed to get worse and more frequent.

Brooke decided to take an at-home lab test to look at her thyroid and adrenal hormone levels. She also made a detailed food diary, reflecting on what foods seemed to exacerbate the pain. Brooke discovered that her hormonal levels were in flux, indicating that she was actually premenopausal.

Once she realized that hormonal imbalance was a factor in her migraines, she was able to start a customized regimen of supplements and minerals to help bring her back into balance. At the same time, Brooke's food diary revealed that she was having trouble especially in the mornings and after runs. Brooke realized that even though she was drinking plenty of water, she was no longer absorbing electrolytes the way she used to. By focusing attention on adjusting her diet and balancing her hormones, Brooke was able to finally end her migraines. She's happy to report she hasn't had one in over six months!

Ready to Get Rid of Migraines for Good?

If you've been dealing with migraines for a long time, it can seem like an overwhelming issue to address. But with commitment and discipline, you can finally get to the bottom of why you have been struggling with this difficult illness. Book a complimentary consultation today. (Blog source)

How Chronic Stress Leads to Irregular Sleep and a Lowered Immune Response

In the current world, it may seem like it's impossible to avoid stress. Uncertainty lies everywhere we turn.

With heightened stress linked to irregular sleep patterns and lowered immunity, now more than ever it is important to balance stress levels.

Read on to learn why this happens and what you can do to help your body!

How Chronic Stress Leads to Irregular Sleep and a Lowered Immune Response

When the body is faced with a short term stressor, otherwise known as acute stress, it triggers the fight or flight response. This response releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol from the adrenal glands. Adrenaline produces a more immediate response, whereas cortisol is released through a multistep process and therefore takes more time to activate.

Once the stress is over, these hormone levels return to normal, but repeated bouts of acute stress can turn into chronic stress. During chronic stress, these hormone levels stay activated.

Stress at a Microscopic Level

Continuous exposure to the stress hormone cortisol can disturb many different bodily processes including sleep. Both stress and sleep response are regulated by the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis. When the HPA axis is overactive, your sleep cycle can be disrupted. Lack of sleep causes the body to stimulate more cortisol to be released during the day to mimic "awakeness," which perpetuates the cycle.

Additionally, when you sleep, your body creates cytokines. Cytokines are chemical messengers between immune cells and can be pro or anti-inflammatory. Lack of sleep lowers the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, leading to increased inflammation in the body.

High cortisol levels also impair the production of T-cells. T-cells are a type of white blood cell which are essential in the body's immune response. The T-cells called TH1 Helper Cells aid in the body's defense system. During times of stress, these TH1 cells are suppressed and fall out of balance with their counterparts, TH2 cells.

Listen to Cabral Concept 1320: The Truth Behind How Much Sleep You Need Per Night

What You Can Do to Help Your Body

Unbalanced hormone secretion from chronic stress and lack of sleep can lead to a lowered immune response and/or elevated levels of inflammation. Because a healthy immune system is of the utmost importance, it is essential to find healthy ways to improve hormone balance and sleep.

For better sleep, try cutting back on caffeine. Caffeine can raise blood pressure and cortisol levels when paired with a stressor. If you still have trouble sleeping, periodically taking supplements like melatonin has been shown to help regulate circadian rhythms.

Fixing stress levels on the other hand is easier said than done. Everyone has different reactions to stressors based on their own genetics and life experiences, so there is never just one solution.

Some people like meditation, exercise, or talking with their loved ones. The most important thing is to find a strategy that works for you.

Healthy Lifestyle Stress Management

When we have too much to do and not enough time to do it all, it's a recipe for stress. To keep stress in check, you may have been advised to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. But there are additional healthy lifestyle stress management tools you can use to help manage stress further.

Modern-day living can be overwhelming. It can be easy to slide into an unhealthy stress-fueled cycle that can lead to an adverse physical and emotional state. Long-term (chronic) stress can take its toll on the body making it essential to build a healthy day-to-day lifestyle to manage stress before it becomes consuming. Here are some helpful tips to get you started or to regain control if you need some added support with healthy lifestyle stress management.

Make a Stress Management Game Plan

When people are stressed and/or burning the candle at both ends, they can set themselves up for health issues. Create balance and alleviate stress by creating a realistic daily plan to stay on track. Having a plan ahead of starting your day can help manage stress by getting clear on what you need to do and what is achievable. Taking on too much can lead to an overproduction of stress hormones and leave you feeling burnt out. Many people wait until stress has taken over, but taking a proactive approach can support the harmful effects of excessive stress. A nutritional diet and daily movement or exercise are also effective ways to manage overall stress. You may also want to consider the following supportive strategies to help manage stress and any possible imbalance.

Stress Hormone Imbalance

Stress triggers a natural response in the body with the release of stress hormones. The body is designed to deal with acute (short-term) stress, and in the event of a threat, cortisol and adrenalin are released to propel us into action. The body cannot distinguish between different types of stressors, and ongoing stress can cause the hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenal glands to continue to release stress hormones, keeping levels elevated. The persistent effect of elevated stress hormones can lead to an imbalance as the body is not able to get back into a more relaxed state.

Calming down the adrenal gland response and balancing stress hormones can be powerful factors in managing chronic stress. If you feel that stress may be having an effect on your mood, energy levels, sleep, weight management and how you feel overall, a simple at-home functional medicine lab test can help to identify any imbalance in hormones that can be the result of various stressors. You can also work with an Integrative Health Practitioner to understand this at a deeper level with a personalized plan on how to support it and move forward in the right way for you.

Monitor Your Sleep Cycle

Quality sleep is vital to your overall health, so it's no surprise that sleep habits and cycles are directly related to stress levels. The American Psychological Association states that when stress increases, sleep length and quality decrease. This can set you up for further health problems and imbalances that affect energy, memory, mood, metabolism, and many other bodily functions.

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Proper sleep, including quality and quantity, supports a calm body and mind. Follow a healthy sleep protocol that includes supportive nutrients to help get you back on track when managing stress.

Keep Calm: Breathe and Meditate

Meditation has also shown to have a positive effect on psychological stress and other stress-related health problems, according to a study on mindfulness meditation programs published in JAMA Internal Medicine. There are many types of meditation techniques — mindfulness, transcendental, relaxation, walking and guided — to help you practice being fully present and aware.

A study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that breathwork like diaphragmatic breathing, or deep breathing, may trigger a relaxation response and improve mental function. Deep breathing can also positively affect cortisol levels.

Express Your Emotions Through Writing

An effective way to help reduce stress is to write about your emotions, worries and difficulties. Further studies have found that writing about stressful or emotional events actually improved psychological and physical health. Set aside time to write in a journal, blank notebook, or even just jot your thoughts down on a piece of paper if something is worrying you. Releasing these emotions with pen and paper can also be quite cathartic.

Foster a Positive Mindset

Looking on the bright side is good for you and studies have found that optimism has an effect on the quality of life. This confirms that a positive mindset may be a useful coping mechanism in combating and preventing stress. Practice optimism by expressing daily gratitude in a journal, spend more time with positive friends and family, be aware of negative self-talk and how this may be affecting your mood, speak to a professional who can help you find supportive mindset strategies, and find time for plenty of laughter and doing things you enjoy.

Although it's impossible to avoid all stress, the good news is that not all stress is bad. In fact, "good stress" — also known as eustress — is responsible for motivation and the feelings you have during exciting experiences. Roller coaster rides, challenging work projects, and planning surprises can fall into this category, with eustress working to help you stay engaged and continue with day-to-day life, even during the more challenging times.

It's important to consider all aspects of your current routine and decide where you can implement supportive changes and tweaks that create a healthy lifestyle to manage stress. When you pay attention to both your physical and emotional well-being, it may help you identify any warning signs of stress, making it easier to support them sooner and prevent potential health problems by getting them under control. (Blog source)

It’s easy to see how important sleep is on your stress levels, isn’t it? When you’re ready to get deep, restful sleep so you can finally feel what it’s like to be energized throughout your day, book a complimentary consultation here.