NeuroTrust Method

Harnessing the Law of Attraction and Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

Today, we delve into the abyss of the human mind once again, exploring a paradox as old as time itself: the enigmatic interplay between the law of attraction and the relentless pursuit of success. This secret truth often goes overlooked and may well be the very force that repels your ambitions. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden threads that connect the quantum realms of intention with the tangible world of achievement. Get ready to witness a transformative shift in your entrepreneurial journey as we shift our focus from the problem to the irresistible allure of the solution.

The Law of Attraction's Paradox

Many entrepreneurs find themselves repelling the very things they desire in life and business. They may seek better health, wealth, success, relationships, or material possessions, but they continue to elude them. Despite reading self-help books like "Think and Grow Rich" or watching documentaries like "The Secret," the same outcomes persist. Why does this happen? To get to the root of the problem, let's consider what Nikola Tesla said: "If you want to better understand this world, you need to start thinking in terms of frequency and vibration." This world is purely frequency and vibration, and we, as bioelectromagnetic beings, are made of energy.

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

Our thoughts and feelings are energy, and we attract what we think about. Most people's thoughts and feelings, when they desire something, are focused on the absence of that thing. They harbor feelings of lack, worry, and doubt, playing the victim to circumstances. What if we shifted our energy from fighting against something to focusing on having it, experiencing the outcome, and living from possibility? Feeling good is the work.

Harnessing the Power of Hypnosis

But how do we put this into practice amidst our busy lives? Hypnosis, a clinically proven technique, can play a pivotal role in enhancing the law of attraction. Here are seven ways hypnosis can amplify your ability to attract what you desire:

  1. Enhancing Focus: Hypnosis induces deep relaxation and intense focus, helping individuals eliminate distractions and maintain a clear mental image of their desires.

  2. Generating Positive Emotions: Hypnosis evokes positive emotions and aligns individuals with the law of attraction's principle of like attracting like.

  3. Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs: Hypnosis identifies and reprograms limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering and positive beliefs that support one's goals.

  4. Strengthening Visualization: Hypnosis makes mental imagery more vivid and realistic, reinforcing the belief that desired outcomes are attainable.

  5. Boosting Confidence and Self-Efficacy: Hypnosis enhances self-confidence and belief in one's ability to manifest their desires, eliminating doubts.

  6. Stress Reduction: Hypnosis reduces stress and negative emotions, preventing them from blocking the flow of positive energy.

  7. Consistency: Regular hypnosis sessions maintain a focused and positive mindset over time, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.

Incorporating hypnosis into your life alongside the law of attraction can be a powerful combination. While the direct connection between hypnosis and quantum entanglement is debatable, many find value in using hypnosis as a psychological tool to enhance their mental and emotional state, aligning with the law of attraction's principles.

Where is your attention?

Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that may not be serving you. Practice staying out of worry, doubt, and fear, and shift to a mindful state of peace, abundance, and prosperity. Remember, you cannot be rich until you feel rich. Embrace confidence and act as if your desires are already fulfilled.

If you're curious to explore more about our NeuroTrust method of hypnosis, we offer a complimentary consultation. Your success is our commitment, and we're here to help you break boundaries and achieve your dreams. Please share this article with anyone it could benefit to help us help more people.

Jeffrey Mort is an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a National Guild of Hypnotists Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy so they can better serve their clients, families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

UNLEASH YOUR INNER BOSS: How Transformational Hypnosis Empowers Mom Entrepreneurs

As a mother and an entrepreneur, you know the challenges of building and growing a successful business. You may have experienced moments of self-doubt, fear, and anxiety that can prevent you from achieving your goals. Have you fully considered what this is costing you?

Luckily, transformational hypnosis offers a powerful tool to help you overcome these obstacles and unlock your full potential. In today's blog, we will explore five of the top benefits of transformational hypnosis for mom entrepreneurs and how they will bring your business to the next level.

Creating Your Future Self

Many women entrepreneurs struggle with self-image and the belief that they are not good enough to achieve their goals. If you battle with these beliefs, it can hold you back from taking action and pursuing your dreams.

Transformational hypnosis helps you create a new vision of your future self. When guided through visualization techniques and positive affirmations during a hypnosis session, you can see yourself as confident, successful, and capable of achieving your goals.

You will feel empowered to take action and make your vision a reality. You will have a clear direction and purpose, knowing exactly what you want to achieve and how to get there.

Releasing Fears & Anxiety

Fear and anxiety can be paralyzing for mom entrepreneurs. You may worry about failure, rejection, or not being good enough. These emotions can prevent you from taking risks and trying new things, even though you want success for your family.

Transformational hypnosis can help you release these fears and anxieties. Techniques such as regression therapy can help you to identify the root causes of your fears and work through them with the guidance of a trained practitioner.

As a result, you will feel more confident and self-assured. You will be able to take risks and try new things without being held back by the thought of negative outcomes.

Public Speaking Confidence

Public speaking is another struggle that many mom entrepreneurs face, especially with the pressure to speak on live or recorded videos on social media. You likely fear being judged or not being able to communicate your ideas effectively. Or worse, you may fear you don't actually know enough to be speaking on health matters at all, despite your experience and education.

Transformational hypnosis can help you overcome these fears and develop the confidence and skills needed for public speaking. You will be able to communicate your ideas effectively and confidently in any situation, whether you're speaking online, or presenting a workshop in person. This can help you win new clients, build relationships, and inspire others.

Focus and Clarity

Mom entrepreneurs often have a lot on their plate, leaving focus and clarity as something that seems completely out of reach. You may feel completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks and responsibilities you have.

Transformational hypnosis can help you improve your focus and clarity by using relaxation techniques and guided meditation. You will be able to calm your mind and develop a clear sense of purpose.

Additionally, you will be able to prioritize your tasks more effectively and make more intentional decisions. You will feel more in control and less overwhelmed by your responsibilities.

Habit Transformation

Lastly, many mom entrepreneurs have bad habits they may not even be aware of that hold them back from achieving their goals. These habits may include procrastination, self-doubt, or negative self-talk.

When guided through techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to support your goals. You will be able to break free from negative habits, thoughts, and self-talk, and replace them with positive ones that support your success. You will feel more motivated, productive, and confident by forming these new positive habits.

Transformational hypnosis offers a powerful tool for mom entrepreneurs to overcome their obstacles and achieve their goals. That's why we created the NeuroTRUST Method, utilizing the many techniques of subconscious reprogramming to support mom entrepreneurs just like you.

If you are ready to unlock your full potential, we invite you to schedule a complimentary NeuroTRUST Method consultation to learn more about how transformational hypnosis can help you achieve your dreams.

The Mompreneur's Secret Weapon to Overcome Overwhelm and Achieve Business Success

As a mother and an entrepreneur, you’re facing unique challenges that can make it feel difficult to succeed in your business. You may feel overwhelmed, scattered, and unsure of yourself and your direction. You may be juggling too many responsibilities at once, struggling to find the time to take care of yourself while also growing your business. But Transformational Hypnosis can help.

In this blog post, we will explore how Transformational Hypnosis can help mom entrepreneurs overcome their challenges to become more successful in their business.

  1. Boosting Self-Confidence and Clarity - One of the biggest challenges that mom entrepreneurs face is a lack of confidence in themselves and their direction. Transformational Hypnosis can help you boost your self-confidence and gain clarity about your goals and purpose. By accessing your subconscious mind, Transformational Hypnosis can help you identify and change negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. This can help you feel more confident in your abilities and clear about your vision for your business.

  2. Improving Time Management and Prioritization - As a mom entrepreneur, you’re likely juggling many responsibilities at once, making it difficult to find the time to focus on your business. Transformational Hypnosis can help you improve your time management skills and prioritize your tasks more effectively. It can help you develop new habits and behaviors that promote efficiency and focus through rewiring the neural pathways in the subconscious mind. This can help you make the most of your time and achieve more in less time, without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

  3. Reducing Stress and Overwhelm - Running a business while also taking care of a family can be stressful and overwhelming. Subconscious reprogramming through hypnosis can help you reduce stress and manage overwhelm more effectively by helping you to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be contributing to your stress. This can help you feel more relaxed and centered, even in the midst of a busy day.

  4. Enhancing Creativity and Innovation - Creativity and innovation are essential for success in any business, but they can be challenging to cultivate when you are juggling so many responsibilities. Clients of hypnosis have been able to tap into creative potential and unlock new perspectives by breaking free from mental blocks and limiting beliefs that were hindering their creativity. This can help you generate new ideas and solutions that can take your business to the next level.

  5. Prioritizing Self-Care and Well-Being - As a mom entrepreneur, it can be easy to neglect your own self-care and well-being in favor of your business and family responsibilities. Transformational Hypnosis can help you prioritize self-care and make it a habit. By accessing your subconscious mind, hypnosis can help you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be contributing to neglecting your self-care. This can help you make self-care a priority, so you can feel your best and perform at your highest level in all areas of your life.

As you can see by now, Transformational Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help mom entrepreneurs just like you to overcome daily struggles and achieve greater success in business.

This is why I created the NeuroTRUST Method; so you can use the same Transformational Hypnosis I use for entrepreneurial success, and overcome the challenges that are holding you back to unlock your full potential as a mom entrepreneur.


Entrepreneurship can be a challenging journey that requires a lot of preparation, perseverance, and, most importantly, confidence. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs struggle with self-doubt and a lack of confidence in their business ventures, leading to missed opportunities and potential failure. Not only can this leave you feeling defeated over and over again, it can also have an adverse effect on your health. While there are many potential causes of this lack of confidence, research suggests that the root cause is often deeper than most may realize. 

What’s really causing this problem?

 If you’re not getting the results you want in life or business, the problem can be seated at the core of our identity. Identity level issues are often subconscious, deeply ingrained beliefs and values that shape how we see ourselves and interact with the world around us. These beliefs and values can be formed early in life and can be challenging to identify and change. However, research-backed hypnosis can be an effective tool for discovering and reprogramming the belief system of the subconscious mind and helping entrepreneurs build the confidence they need to succeed.

Really? I Thought Hypnosis was Fake!

As modern medicine and psychology evolved, so did hypnotherapy. The American Medical Association recognized hypnosis as a medical procedure in 1956, finding it appropriate for use during surgery and medical treatments and procedures. Studies have also shown that hypnosis can be a powerful tool for transforming limiting beliefs and behaviors. In fact, research has found that hypnosis can be effective in treating a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, and even chronic pain. This suggests that hypnosis can be a valuable tool for entrepreneurs struggling with confidence and self-doubt.

Okay, Who Uses This Stuff, Anyhow?

Many famous entrepreneurs have used hypnosis as a tool to help them achieve success. For example, self-help guru Tony Robbins has credited hypnosis with helping him overcome his own limiting beliefs and achieve his goals. Similarly, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has been known to use hypnosis to help him stay focused and motivated.

At Love Energy Wellness, LLC, we understand that confidence is key to entrepreneurial success, finding clarity, and achieving the vision of who you want to BE. That's why we developed our NeuroTRUST Method program, which uses research-backed hypnosis techniques to help entrepreneurs transform their subconscious beliefs and build the confidence they need to succeed. Our program is designed to help you identify and overcome the root causes of self-doubt, empowering you to achieve your goals and thrive in your business.

So, What’s next?

If you're an entrepreneur struggling with self-doubt and a lack of confidence, we encourage you to take the first step towards transformation by scheduling a free call with one of our hypnosis experts. During this call, we'll help you understand how our program works and how it can help you achieve lasting transformation. Don't let self-doubt hold you back any longer – take the first step towards confidence and success today.

The Missing Jet Fuel for Propelling Your Integrative Health Business Skyward

Not having the right chemistry in your new business is like a new economy airline not knowing they need high octane jet fuel to actually get the plane off the ground. 

Why Most Businesses Fail

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, about 20% of new businesses fail in their first year, and 50% of new businesses fail by their fifth year. A few major factors are their inability to be competitive, to stand out with value, and to have unwavering confidence in their success. Successful entrepreneurs know they need to have a proven advantage to gain momentum and stand out in today’s noisy and saturated marketplace.

All the moving parts required for a successful business can be overwhelming in and of itself, not to mention getting in our own way. As Integrative Health Practitioners, it can be easy to fall into damaging thinking patterns like:

  • “Do I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?”

  • “Do I actually know what I’m talking about to help others live healthier lives?”

  • “I could NEVER go live on my Instagram, that’s too scary.”

  • “I feel like I haven't learned enough to help people yet.”

  • “I need this other certification before I can start.”

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Thoughts are energy, and if that’s the energy you’re projecting out from your new business, how will that be received by prospects? What would you hope to gain from staying in that energy? Staying safe in your comfort zone is one answer. More on that in a moment. 

Of course we will never learn all there is to know in a vast and endless universe, but what we often forget is that we know so much more than we realize and are already well equipped to be of service to humanity with our skills and unique gifts.

And yet, we can still catch that inner voice constantly doubting ourselves and keeping us stuck in a holding pattern. Why is that?

You were programmed as a child

The answer lies in neuroscience, and here’s one reason why. Starting from childhood, primarily from birth to age seven, children are in a constant learning brainwave state called Theta (4-8 Hz), similar to a state of deep meditation. This is when we begin to take in information and stories, much like a computer download from our environment such as parents, families, teachers, doctors, and other authority figures we look up to. We hear stories about who we are, how we should be, what’s possible, and how the world works. When it comes right down to it, EVERYTHING is just a made up story in our minds. EVERYTHING.

Money Mindset and the Plastic Brain

Most people want more money so let’s use some common money stories for instance. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “we can’t afford that”. Now let me ask you this: have you ever paused to consider what these indoctrinated beliefs and money stories have been costing you for years or decades? The answer could be in the millions!

The truth is, these types of limiting beliefs, if repeated enough, begin to create neural “pathways” in the brain, much like animals taking the same path through a field. The thoughts are literally wiring new electrical pathways, pathways of least resistance as they become stronger with each recurring thought. 

Eventually, the brain doesn’t even consider other options – it recognizes the path that’s there, the one with the least resistance and doesn’t think twice about it. The brain is an amazing tool of automation for energy conservation, safety, and survival. The good news is something known in science as neuroplasticity. The brain is malleable like plastic and can be rewired. 

Research demonstrates that 90% of our day is automated by our dominant level of consciousness, which operates on those programmed beliefs.

This is why you can take all the coaching programs you want, but unless you’re strategically rewiring those neural pathways towards what you want, your mind will always revert back to the old and familiar patterns of thinking because the brain loves the familiar and it loves predictability.

How can you strategically rewire your neural pathways?

Programs such as our unique NeuroTrust Method can help. TRUST is an acronym for Transformational Reprogramming for Unlimited Success Technique.  At the core of this proven method is clinical hypnosis, which can safely and quickly bring you your model of success. It’s truly life changing and a much more effective technique than traditional single-session hypnosis methods. 

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs, hypotheses, and what they first learned about something.

Before you recall on your first impression of stage hypnosis used for entertainment, I’m not talking about someone clucking like a chicken, forgetting who they are, or magicians standing on a rigid assistant across two chairs, or even someone in a movie stuck in trance because their hypnotist died during the session.

Although stage hypnosis is a reality and sometimes hilarious, that’s not what we’re talking about here. You’re not alone; years ago, this was my first impression of hypnosis too!

First, let’s debunk any misconceptions with a conversation about what Clinical Hypnosis is NOT.

What hypnosis is NOT:

  • Stage hypnosis as comedy or dramatic demonstrations

  • Hollywood portrayal for entertainment

  • Amnesia

  • Mind control

  • Truth serum

  • Being stuck in trance

So then what is hypnosis?

You may have heard the saying that “All hypnosis is self hypnosis” but what exactly does that mean? It means the consulting hypnotist is not in control of the hypnotized client, only a guide on the journey through the process of teaching how to enter a heightened state of awareness and suggestibility and down from a conscious brainwave state called Beta (14-30 Hz) into that deep meditative Theta frequency we mentioned earlier. Basically, no one is in hypnosis unless they choose to be. Only then can the changes begin to occur at the subconscious level and achieve the desired results. 

It is the purpose of the consulting Hypnotist to unlock the power of the subconscious mind to respond accordingly to the conscious mind thinking.

Is there actually efficacy in hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnosis is a scientifically proven, goal-oriented technique that involves the focus of one's attention and response to positive suggestions. It is a state of active, unconscious learning and heightened awareness when communication with the mind is elevated. In a moment, you’ll learn more about what the NeuroTrust Method can help with, but first let's dive into what hypnosis experience is like. 

Hypnosis has been described as a pleasant combination of talk therapy and guided meditation that can create immediate and lasting results.

You’re probably wondering what the NeuroTrust Method feels like. 

It feels:

  • Easy

  • Natural

  • Relaxing

  • Refreshing

  • Like daydreaming

  • Like creating something wonderful

  • Similar to the feeling of being immersed in a good movie

  • Like accessing the deeper subconscious mind

  • Like confidence and surety

Who uses hypnosis professionally?

Hypnosis has been used in professional athletics and became quite popular through the 1990s and early 2000s. Among the advantages, the application was used to restructure cognitive processes, improve response times, enhance performance, and reduce recovery time. 

It's also remarkable how many celebrities and CEO’s have used hypnosis, some paying upwards of $25,000 for 2-hour sessions. This goes for many top executives, actors, directors, and producers who saw a return on their investment.

Another interesting application for hypnosis has been used to provide support for skills and improved focus, patience, and awareness to win professional poker World Championships. Talk about a win-win situation!

Of course there’s sometimes a dark side to such powerful methods.  Some people have been known to use hypnosis unethically for persuasion and influence. It's even been theorized that some presidencies in the United States were won using hypnotic language and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques. 

As I mentioned earlier, my first experience with hypnosis was being in an audience at a comedy show and witnessing just how powerful it can be. I wont get into specifics but for years after, I vowed that I would never volunteer to be hypnotized. 

Fast forward a couple decades when one of my coaches suggested that I use hypnosis to accelerate my progress and I voiced my objections citing those specifics. Being a former Army Ranger active on the front lines of the war in Somalia, he explained how undergoing hypnosis prior to a mission to stay laser focused on the outcome was the reason he was still alive to tell the story. So even the military special forces use hypnosis as a winning advantage.

What can The NeuroTrust Method help with in my life? 

Research studies have proven that hypnosis can help with breakthroughs like:

  • Laser-like Focus and Clarity

  • Confidence and Self Esteem

  • Removing Self-sabotage behavior 

  • Worthiness

  • Self-love

  • Healing

  • Inner peace

  • Pain relief

  • Racing thoughts and Anxiety

  • Personal performance

  • Public Speaking Confidence

  • Habit Transformation

  • Money mindset

  • Releasing Fears and phobias

  • Weight loss

  • Creating your future self (My favorite!)

  • And so much more!

How do I discover more about how hypnosis can help me specifically?

Let’s start with a conversation. Most people want to learn more about our ethical NeuroTrust Method before getting started, which is why I offer a 60 minute complimentary consultation to show you how the Transformational Reprogramming for Unlimited Success Technique can help you create whatever you want in life, and more importantly, to make sure that we’re a good fit to work together on your deep level transformation.

Now that you’re aware that the brain loves to know what’s next: When you enroll, sessions are typically 90 minutes in length, are virtual via Zoom, and always personalized to your unique goals.

Every 2 weeks for a predetermined duration specific to your goal, we’ll explore and uncover subconscious blocks that come in the form of fears, negative beliefs, and false programming about oneself, which can limit even a highly intelligent individual’s ability to achieve forward progress in their health coaching business. Remember, the brain is default-programmed for keeping you safe. 

During a heightened state of suggestibility, we remap limited thinking into positive and healthy thoughts which reinforces healthy habits and new patterns of living the life you want to live! 

Your main takeaways on this learning session:

  • Not having an advantage in business can lead to failure

  • Most of childhood is spent in a hypnotic state of learning limitations

  • We’re naturally wired to stay in our comfort zone

  • The subconscious runs 90% of your life

  • Research demonstrates that the mind can be reprogrammed

  • Clinical Hypnosis is safe and effective

  • Hypnosis is a powerful tool for personal and professional development

Will I get results? 

Just like any successful program, if you’re committed, you show up and do the assigned homework, you’ll get the breakthrough results you’ve been looking for!  If you’re the kind of person that wants that unfair advantage to get out of your own way and have the confidence you need for success, then you’re probably wondering what the next steps are.

Step 1: Book a 1-hour complimentary consultation.
Step 2: I provide you with a recommended package based on your goals.
Step 3: We work the process and you watch your life and your business transform!