Overall Wellness

Five Ways to Reverse the Root Cause of Rapid Aging for Entrepreneurs

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship

Women often find themselves juggling multiple roles, managing businesses, and navigating through life's challenges. Amidst this hustle, many face a silent adversary that creeps up unexpectedly—unwanted rapid aging. This phenomenon not only affects appearance but has a profound impact on energy levels and overall performance. In the quest for success, women entrepreneurs often neglect their well-being, unaware that the little-known root cause of premature aging is lurking in the shadows: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of ROS, the importance of maintaining balance, and explore integrative health solutions that can be a game-changer in avoiding failure and achieving success. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Understanding Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are highly reactive molecules that contain oxygen and can wreak havoc within the body if not properly regulated. While some level of ROS is essential for cellular functions, an imbalance leads to oxidative stress, causing damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA. This damage, in turn, contributes to premature aging and a decline in overall health.

ROS are natural byproducts of cellular metabolism, generated during processes like energy production in mitochondria. External factors such as pollution, poor diet, and stress can also contribute to increased ROS production. In women entrepreneurs, the demanding nature of their work and the constant pressure to perform at their best can elevate stress levels, exacerbating the production of ROS.

Importance of ROS Balance

Maintaining a delicate balance of ROS is crucial for optimal health. When the production of these reactive molecules surpasses the body's ability to neutralize them with antioxidants, a state of oxidative stress ensues. This oxidative stress is implicated in various age-related conditions, including premature aging, fatigue, and a decline in cognitive function.

In the context of women entrepreneurs, the consequences of an imbalance in ROS are far-reaching. Decreased energy levels, diminished cognitive function, and a compromised immune system can hamper the ability to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in the business world.

Holistic Solutions for ROS Imbalance

The Integrative Health approach recognizes that achieving balance is not merely about addressing symptoms but involves a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Here are holistic solutions to counteract ROS imbalance and combat unwanted rapid aging:

1. Nutrition and Antioxidant-rich Diet:

   A foundational aspect of integrative health is nutrition. A diet rich in antioxidants helps combat the effects of ROS. Incorporating colorful fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and omega-3 fatty acids can provide the body with the tools it needs to neutralize excessive ROS and promote overall well-being.

2. Stress Management Techniques:

   Given the link between stress and ROS production, effective stress management is paramount. Integrative health practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help women entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of their professional lives while minimizing the impact of stress on their bodies.

3. Regular Exercise:

   Physical activity not only boosts overall health but also plays a crucial role in maintaining ROS balance. Regular exercise enhances the body's antioxidant defenses and supports mitochondrial function, helping to mitigate the negative effects of excessive ROS.

4. Quality Sleep:

   Adequate and restorative sleep is a cornerstone of integrative health. During sleep, the body undergoes repair and regeneration, crucial for combating oxidative stress. Women entrepreneurs should prioritize sleep hygiene practices to ensure they get the rejuvenating rest their bodies need.

5. Supplementation:

   Integrative health practitioners may recommend targeted supplements to support the body's antioxidant defenses. This may include vitamins such as C and E, as well as minerals like selenium and zinc. Personalized supplementation plans can address individual needs and promote optimal health.

Avoiding Failure, Achieving Success

The Integrative Health approach provides a roadmap for women entrepreneurs to navigate the challenges of their professional lives while safeguarding their health. By addressing the root cause of unwanted rapid aging—ROS imbalance—these holistic solutions empower women to break free from the cycle of fatigue, compromised performance, and premature aging.

1. Enhanced Energy Levels:

   A balanced approach to ROS ensures optimal cellular function, leading to increased energy levels. Women entrepreneurs can experience sustained vitality, allowing them to tackle challenges with enthusiasm and resilience.

2. Improved Cognitive Function:

   The detrimental effects of oxidative stress on cognitive function can hinder decision-making and creativity. Integrative health practices support brain health, enhancing cognitive abilities crucial for success in the business world.

3. Longevity and Sustainable Success:

   Integrative health is not just a quick fix; it's a lifestyle that promotes longevity and sustainable success. By addressing the root cause of premature aging, women entrepreneurs can build a foundation for a thriving and enduring career.

It’s Clear That…

Unwanted rapid aging is a silent adversary that women entrepreneurs often face in their quest for success. By unraveling the connection between ROS imbalance and premature aging, this blog post sheds light on the importance of integrative health. The holistic solutions provided offer a comprehensive approach to counteracting the effects of oxidative stress, promoting vitality, and ensuring sustainable success. Take charge of your well-being, embrace integrative health, and let your entrepreneurial journey be marked by resilience, energy, and enduring success.

Naturally, You’ll want to Know Your Next Step: 

If you're a woman entrepreneur ready to reclaim your vitality, enhance your performance, and defy the signs of unwanted rapid aging, take the first step towards integrative health. Visit LoveEnergyWellness.com to book your complimentary consultation with a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Don't let the demands of entrepreneurship compromise your health; empower yourself with integrative health and pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at loveenergywellness.com.

Unmasking the Hidden Culprit: Exploring Hormonal Imbalance and Weight Management for Entrepreneurs

You may not have realized it, but…

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, the connection between hormones and weight gain often surfaces as a popular query. Understanding this intricate relationship requires delving into the world of integrative health, where a holistic approach to wellness goes beyond conventional medicine. Let's embark on a journey to demystify the impact of hormone imbalances on weight gain and explore an integrative health plan to restore harmony within the body. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Hormones: The Messengers of the Body

In simple terms, hormones are chemical messengers produced by various glands in the endocrine system. These messengers regulate crucial bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth, mood, and reproductive processes. For women, estrogen and progesterone take center stage, while men rely on testosterone. However, it's important to note that both genders produce a mix of these hormones, albeit in different proportions.

Hormonal Imbalances and Weight Gain

When the delicate balance of hormones is disrupted, it can manifest in a variety of ways, one of which is weight gain. High cortisol levels, often associated with chronic stress, play a pivotal role in this scenario. Cortisol, the stress hormone, prompts the body to store fat, particularly in the abdominal area. Additionally, imbalances in insulin, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones can contribute to weight-related issues.

The Integrative Health Plan: A Holistic Approach to Hormonal Balance

Step 1: Advanced Functional Lab Testing

Embarking on the journey to hormonal balance begins with a comprehensive understanding of your body's unique biochemistry. Advanced functional lab testing, often using saliva instead of blood, provides a more accurate reflection of the active percentage of sex and adrenal hormones. This personalized insight sets the foundation for targeted interventions.

Step 2: Liver Detoxification

Opening the liver detox pathways is crucial for eliminating excess hormones and toxins. A functional medicine detox protocol supports the liver's natural processes, promoting optimal detoxification and ensuring a clean slate for hormone production.

Step 3: Replacing Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

A body deficient in essential vitamins and minerals struggles to produce hormones efficiently. By replenishing these vital nutrients, we provide the body with the raw materials needed for hormone synthesis, promoting balance and overall well-being.

Step 4: Eliminating Toxins Revealed by Lab Results

Functional medicine lab results unveil a spectrum of potential toxicities, including xenoestrogens, parasites, yeast, fungal infections, bacteria, molds, and heavy metals. Addressing and removing these toxic burdens support the body's natural ability to restore hormonal equilibrium.

Step 5: Lifestyle Adjustments

Small lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on hormonal balance. Incorporating stress-reducing practices, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can further support the body in maintaining harmony.

Bringing it all Together: Guided Wellness with Integrative Health Coaching

Embarking on a journey to rebalance hormones and achieve optimal well-being may seem complex, but with the guidance of a certified integrative health coach, the process becomes more manageable. A coach serves as a knowledgeable ally, providing support, education, and motivation as individuals navigate the path to hormonal balance and weight management.

In the realm of integrative health, understanding the interplay between hormones and weight gain is the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life. By adopting a holistic approach, backed by advanced functional lab testing and personalized interventions, individuals can reclaim control over their hormonal health and embark on a journey towards lasting well-being.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. 

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at loveenergywellness.com.

Navigating Entrepreneurial Health in 2024: A Wellness Blueprint for a Successful Journey

Today You’ll Discover:

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the spirit of ambition and innovation often takes center stage, overshadowing the crucial aspect of personal well-being. Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey without a personalized wellness blueprint is akin to sailing through uncharted waters without a navigation plan. In this blog post, we delve into the profound repercussions of neglecting one's mental, physical, and emotional well-being, exploring the transformative success that awaits those who prioritize their health. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The Uncharted Waters of Entrepreneurship:

Picture the vast expanse of unexplored possibilities as you sail through uncharted waters, and now imagine doing so without a meticulously crafted navigation plan. This scenario mirrors the reality faced by many entrepreneurs as they plunge into the new year without a personalized wellness blueprint. It's like setting sail without a compass, where the currents of stress, burnout, and health neglect can lead one off course.

The Profound Repercussions:

Entrepreneurs navigating the treacherous waters of business often encounter a myriad of health issues, including low energy, hormone imbalances, low libido, thyroid dysfunction, uncontrollable weight gain, infertility, and poor sleep. These challenges can significantly impact both personal well-being and professional success.

Empathizing with Objections:

In the face of these health challenges, individuals often express valid concerns about the limited options offered by conventional medicine and seek a better understanding of integrative health. Questions about how integrative health works, what the experience is like, whether it relies solely on supplements, and how long it takes to see results are common objections.

A Holistic Approach to Wellness:

To address these concerns, we invite you to a conversation as well as present a comprehensive New Year Wellness Plan designed to empower entrepreneurs to take control of their health and well-being.

Step 1: Don't Guess, Test!

Start by embracing state-of-the-art advanced functional medicine at-home health tests covering a range of factors, including parasites, mineral imbalances, heavy metal toxicities, vitamin deficiencies, gut health, inflammation levels, food sensitivities, blood sugar, stress levels, estrogen and progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormone balance.

Step 2: Open Liver Detox Pathways

Implement a 21-day functional medicine detox protocol to open liver detox pathways, promoting overall health and vitality.

Step 3: Remove Toxins and Replace Deficiencies

Tailor a health plan based on at-home health test results, using clinically proven functional medicine protocols. Addressing issues such as parasites (if present), gut health, mold, heavy metals, and immunity will ensure a comprehensive and effective approach.

Next Steps:

For a personalized wellness plan for 2024, consider working with a Level 2 certified integrative health practitioner. These professionals can guide you on a purposeful journey towards holistic well-being, helping you navigate the entrepreneurial waters with resilience, triumph, and transformative power.

It’s Clear That:

In the spirit of ambition and innovation, let us not neglect the sanctity of our well-being. By prioritizing our mental, physical, and emotional health, we equip ourselves with the tools needed to sail confidently through the uncharted waters of entrepreneurship, unlocking a future defined by resilience, triumph, and a purposeful journey.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. 

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at loveenergywellness.com.

Discovering Our Bio-Electromagnetic Nature: A Path to Success and Wellness

Unveiling the Cosmic Connection

We exist in a constantly evolving cosmos, intricately connected to the cosmic rhythms as bio-electromagnetic entities. This blog post delves into a recent Breaking Boundaries podcast episode, exploring how this profound perspective on our nature can guide us toward wellness and entrepreneurial success. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The Electric Essence of Human Biology

Our bio-electromagnetic nature arises from the electrical and electromagnetic processes inherent in our biological systems. This section illuminates the integral role these phenomena play in our nervous system, cellular activities, and the electromagnetic field of the heart, emphasizing the profound impact on our health and wellbeing.

Navigating the Neural Network

Delving into the realm of neurons, the primary cells of our nervous system, this section explores how electric potentials during signal transmission allow for rapid information flow throughout the body. Understanding disruptions in ion flow and maintaining proper electrolyte ratios become crucial for optimizing health at the cellular level.

Harmony of the Heart's Electromagnetic Symphony

This section focuses on the heart's electromagnetic field, a powerful influence on those around us. By achieving heart coherence through brain and heart synchronization, we can enhance our wellbeing and potentially impact others in close proximity.

Body's Magnetic Symphony: Revealed Through MRI

Exploring the marvels of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this section underscores the inherent electromagnetic properties of our bodies. The ability of MRI to capture detailed internal images emphasizes our existence as bio-electromagnetic beings.

The Pulse of Alternative Therapies

Highlighting the role of alternative and complementary medical practices, this section explores biofeedback and energy medicine. Despite limited scientific evidence, these practices aim to influence the body's electromagnetic fields for therapeutic purposes, with many reporting significant benefits.

Entrepreneurial Empowerment through Bio-Electromagnetism

For entrepreneurs, understanding our bio-electromagnetic nature is not just about health—it's a tool for breaking barriers and driving success. This section explores how addressing imbalances and nurturing our bio-electromagnetic connection can optimize wellbeing, energy, and performance in entrepreneurial ventures.

Beyond Science: A Gateway to Health and Success

In summary, our existence as bio-electromagnetic beings is not merely a scientific concept but a perspective that unlocks new levels of health, success, and overall wellbeing. This concluding section reflects on the potential of embracing and fully understanding our bio-electromagnetic nature as a gateway to a healthier, more energetic, and more successful existence.


Most success seekers want to learn more about raising their frequency and vibration from a cellular level and transforming their mind, body and spirit with Integrative Health. . That’s why we offer complimentary consultations to discuss your goals and how we can help. See you soon!

Harnessing the Law of Attraction and Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

Today, we delve into the abyss of the human mind once again, exploring a paradox as old as time itself: the enigmatic interplay between the law of attraction and the relentless pursuit of success. This secret truth often goes overlooked and may well be the very force that repels your ambitions. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden threads that connect the quantum realms of intention with the tangible world of achievement. Get ready to witness a transformative shift in your entrepreneurial journey as we shift our focus from the problem to the irresistible allure of the solution.

The Law of Attraction's Paradox

Many entrepreneurs find themselves repelling the very things they desire in life and business. They may seek better health, wealth, success, relationships, or material possessions, but they continue to elude them. Despite reading self-help books like "Think and Grow Rich" or watching documentaries like "The Secret," the same outcomes persist. Why does this happen? To get to the root of the problem, let's consider what Nikola Tesla said: "If you want to better understand this world, you need to start thinking in terms of frequency and vibration." This world is purely frequency and vibration, and we, as bioelectromagnetic beings, are made of energy.

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

Our thoughts and feelings are energy, and we attract what we think about. Most people's thoughts and feelings, when they desire something, are focused on the absence of that thing. They harbor feelings of lack, worry, and doubt, playing the victim to circumstances. What if we shifted our energy from fighting against something to focusing on having it, experiencing the outcome, and living from possibility? Feeling good is the work.

Harnessing the Power of Hypnosis

But how do we put this into practice amidst our busy lives? Hypnosis, a clinically proven technique, can play a pivotal role in enhancing the law of attraction. Here are seven ways hypnosis can amplify your ability to attract what you desire:

  1. Enhancing Focus: Hypnosis induces deep relaxation and intense focus, helping individuals eliminate distractions and maintain a clear mental image of their desires.

  2. Generating Positive Emotions: Hypnosis evokes positive emotions and aligns individuals with the law of attraction's principle of like attracting like.

  3. Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs: Hypnosis identifies and reprograms limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering and positive beliefs that support one's goals.

  4. Strengthening Visualization: Hypnosis makes mental imagery more vivid and realistic, reinforcing the belief that desired outcomes are attainable.

  5. Boosting Confidence and Self-Efficacy: Hypnosis enhances self-confidence and belief in one's ability to manifest their desires, eliminating doubts.

  6. Stress Reduction: Hypnosis reduces stress and negative emotions, preventing them from blocking the flow of positive energy.

  7. Consistency: Regular hypnosis sessions maintain a focused and positive mindset over time, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.

Incorporating hypnosis into your life alongside the law of attraction can be a powerful combination. While the direct connection between hypnosis and quantum entanglement is debatable, many find value in using hypnosis as a psychological tool to enhance their mental and emotional state, aligning with the law of attraction's principles.

Where is your attention?

Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that may not be serving you. Practice staying out of worry, doubt, and fear, and shift to a mindful state of peace, abundance, and prosperity. Remember, you cannot be rich until you feel rich. Embrace confidence and act as if your desires are already fulfilled.

If you're curious to explore more about our NeuroTrust method of hypnosis, we offer a complimentary consultation. Your success is our commitment, and we're here to help you break boundaries and achieve your dreams. Please share this article with anyone it could benefit to help us help more people.

Jeffrey Mort is an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a National Guild of Hypnotists Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy so they can better serve their clients, families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at loveenergywellness.com.

Unlocking Greatness: Shattering Entrepreneurial Boundaries with the Power of Craniosacral Therapy & Energy Healing

In today’s exploration, we'll uncover the hidden mysteries of energy cysts, those subtle obstacles within your body that can hinder your vitality and success. But don't worry; we've got a solution for you – craniosacral therapy (CST). 

The Origin of CST

CST, also known as cranio-osteopathy or craniosacral therapy, traces its roots back to Dr. William Garner Sutherland in the early 20th century. Dr. Sutherland's observations of cranial bone movements and cerebrospinal fluid led to the development of this holistic approach. He believed that subtle rhythmic movements in the skull played a vital role in maintaining health and vitality.

Dr. John Upledger's Contribution

Another significant figure in CST's evolution was Dr. John Upledger. He co-founded the Upledger Institute in 1985, which played a pivotal role in promoting and teaching CST worldwide. His work helped raise awareness about this therapy within both the healthcare community and the general public.

Understanding CST

CST focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord. Through gentle, hands-on techniques, CST practitioners aim to enhance the functioning of this system. Their primary goal is to trigger the body's self-healing mechanisms, ultimately improving overall health and well-being.

Health Benefits of CST

  • Stress Reduction: CST promotes relaxation and balances the nervous system, reducing the physical and emotional effects of stress.

  • Pain Relief: It can alleviate various types of pain, including headaches and musculoskeletal discomfort, by addressing underlying structural and fascial imbalances.

  • Improved Immune Function: Some believe that CST enhances the immune system by optimizing cerebrospinal fluid flow and improving the body's ability to combat illness.

Somatoemotional Release (SER)

SER is a branch of CST that focuses on the interconnectedness of physical and emotional health. It posits that physical symptoms and pain may be linked to unresolved emotional or psychological trauma stored in the body tissues. Releasing these emotional blockages can lead to physical and emotional healing simultaneously.

CST and SER's Impact on Mind, Body, and Business

  • Mind: CST aids in stress management, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting relaxation – crucial for entrepreneurs who need to make strategic decisions.

  • Body: It provides pain relief, increased energy, and vitality – essential for entrepreneurs to stay productive.

  • Entrepreneurial Success: CST can stimulate creativity and improve emotional resilience, both vital for entrepreneurial success.

To experience the benefits of CST and SER, follow these steps:

  • Do your due diligence: Read "Your Inner Physician and You" by Dr. John E. Upledger, explore the Upledger Institute's website, and find a trained professional on their directory.

  • Consult a professional: Discuss with your clinician how many sessions may be right for you.

  • Commit to the process: Understand that it might not be a one-time fix but a process of healing and renewal.

Cautionary Note

While CST and SER have benefitted many, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. It is essential to consult with healthcare professionals and consider CST as complementary therapy.

In conclusion, craniosacral therapy and somatoemotional release offer an integrative approach to health and well-being. Their ability to alleviate stress, pain, and enhance creativity can significantly impact the lives of entrepreneurs. Remember that CST and SER are complementary therapies, and their effectiveness may vary from person to person.

So, are you ready to break the boundaries of your mind, body, and business with integrative health? Take the first step today and explore the potential of craniosacral therapy. Your path to vitality and success awaits.

Jeffrey Mort is an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a National Guild of Hypnotists Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy so they can better serve their clients, families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at loveenergywellness.com.

UNLOCKING SUCCESS: The Impact of Circadian Rhythms on Entrepreneurial Performance and Cognitive Function

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, where ambition fuels innovation and progress, there exists an enigmatic realm rarely discussed amid boardroom strategies and market analyses. As you step into this blog post, prepare to unearth a hidden truth – a truth that might just revolutionize the way you approach success. Imagine this: the very rhythm that governs your daily existence, the ebb and flow of wakefulness and rest, could be the factor that either propels you toward boundless achievement or anchors you in a cycle of stagnation. Welcome to an exploration of the secret realm where entrepreneurship and well-being intersect, where restorative sleep becomes not just a necessity, but a strategic element in the pursuit of greatness. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

If, like most entrepreneurs, you're engrossed in managing your business, have you paused to consider who takes care of you? If you're ready to elevate your energy and performance in both life and business, then allow this information to be your compass. Today, we embark on a journey to transcend the limits of mind, body, and business through integrative health. Prepare to unlock boundless possibilities.

Our focal point today is the Rest category – the fifth element in our eight-part DESTRESS protocol: Diet, Exercise, Stress Reduction, Toxin Removal, Rest, Emotional Balance, Science-backed Supplements, and Success Mindset, forming the game changing IHP protocol.

Intriguingly, our narrative orbits around the concept of rhythm – the boundary that entrepreneurs habitually transgress, often oblivious to the repercussions. This discord with natural rhythms extracts a heavy toll on energy, performance, cognitive function, and personal empowerment. Let's delve deeper into the essence of diurnal rhythms.

Imagine tending to a pet plant, where a diurnal rhythm mirrors its daily routine. Just as you wake, eat, and rest on a schedule, your plant too follows a pattern. Some plants open their blossoms in sunlight, shutting them at dusk. This rhythm is their daily schedule, a consistent pattern in tune with nature's clock. Disrupt this rhythm and the multicellular organism becomes unwell. 

Within these lines, we unveil common health risks tied to an imbalanced circadian rhythm. Supported by clinical research, it's evident that disrupting this rhythm bears short- and long-term health consequences.

Short-Term Health Risks of Circadian Rhythm Disruption

  • Sleep Disturbances: Disrupted circadian rhythms lead to sleep onset and maintenance issues, yielding daytime fatigue, reduced cognitive function, and sleepiness.

  • Mood Disorders: Irregular sleep patterns exacerbate emotional instability, fostering mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

  • Metabolic Disruptions: Circadian misalignment impacts glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity, potentially elevating the risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes.

Long-Term Health Risks of Disrupted Sleep Cycle

  • Cardiovascular Issues: Extended circadian rhythm disruption links to hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heightened risk of heart diseases.

  • Obesity and Weight Gain: Prolonged circadian misalignment triggers hormonal imbalances contributing to weight gain and obesity.

  • Cancer Susceptibility: Disrupted rhythms are associated with higher odds of certain cancers, including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer.

Circadian rhythm disruption's effects vary based on genetics, age, and health. Strategies like consistent sleep schedules, daylight exposure, and a sleep-conducive environment can help regulate rhythms, mitigating these risks. For personalized advice, consult a certified Integrative Health Practitioner or sleep specialist.

How does this relate to business? It's evident. Disrupted sleep sabotages energy, performance, cognitive clarity, and overall well-being, obstructing business growth. A clear mind and robust body are entrepreneurial cornerstones.

The Plan: Creating a Normal Diurnal Rhythm

Resetting your body's internal clock doesn't have to be an insurmountable challenge. Here are three effective methods to guide you toward a harmonious diurnal rhythm:

1. The 30-Minute Rule: Begin by striving to hit the hay within a 30-minute window of the same time every day of the week. While this might be trickier on weekends, maintaining this consistency is pivotal in restoring balance.

2. The 10-6 Approach: Nature has its own rhythm, and aligning with it can greatly enhance your energy levels. Aim to embrace sleep closer to when darkness descends and wakefulness around the time of sunrise. Target a bedtime of 9:00-10:30 pm, accompanied by rising around 6:00 am the next morning. By aligning with the natural ebb and flow of light, you invite enhanced vitality.

3. The 15-Minute Method: For those who require a more gradual transition, the 15-minute method comes to the rescue. Simply nudge your current bedtime back by 15 minutes each week. This gentle approach is ideal if you can't undergo a drastic schedule shift immediately. It’s a step-by-step process that leads to a balanced rhythm without overwhelming your system.

Incorporating these strategies into your routine can pave the way for a restored diurnal rhythm, reinvigorating your connection with nature's powerful cadence. Remember, consistency is the cornerstone of success when it comes to fostering a healthier sleep cycle.

Your call to action: 

  • Monitor sleep patterns using a wearable sleep tracking device

  • Employ the diurnal rhythm reset techniques

  • Implement the DESTRESS protocol. Sleep's role in wellness, longevity, peak performance and even weight-loss cannot be understated.

In your journey, remember these takeaways: You are intrinsically tied to nature's rhythm. Imbalanced diurnal rhythms bear serious health risks. Integrative health is your transformational catalyst, unlocking success across mind, body, and business.

If you’re in need of deeper support when it comes to your sleep, you aren’t alone. The majority of our clients at Love Energy Wellness have said that sleep disturbances affect their every day life. With implementing the DESTRESS and Ultimate Sleep Help Protocol, all clients have seen dramatic changes in their sleep hygiene and therefore their cognitive function, mood, appetite, relationships, and their business. If you’re ready to be part of those that have turned their life around, it’s time to schedule a complimentary consultation at the button below.

*This information is not intended to provide medical advice, nor is it a means to diagnose, treat or cure disease.


June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease and promote brain health.

In recent years, cognitive decline has become a growing concern, with research indicating that it begins years before symptoms arise. Taking a proactive approach to brain health is essential, and adopting an integrative health perspective can offer valuable insights.

In this blog, we will explore the connection between overall health and brain function, discuss the five main types of all-cause mortality factors, highlight recent Alzheimer's research, and provide preventive steps to reduce the risk of dementia.

The Link between Health and Brain Function

To promote good brain health, we must recognize that it begins with a healthy body. Numerous studies have demonstrated the interconnection between lifestyle factors and cognitive decline.

Lifestyle choices such as diet, sleep, exercise, stress management, and mental stimulation significantly impact brain function. By prioritizing our overall health, we can enhance brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Addressing All-Cause Mortality Factors

Research has identified five main types of all-cause mortality factors that contribute to the risk of dementia. These factors include metabolic, inflammatory, hormonal, oxidative stress, and vascular abnormalities. By addressing these underlying factors, we can mitigate the risk of cognitive decline and promote brain health.

The Overlooked Research

The latest peer-reviewed research on Alzheimer's is often not extensively covered in medical school curricula. Consequently, many healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians (PCPs), may be unaware of these breakthroughs. However, this research highlights new insights into the prevention, cessation, and reversal of Alzheimer's disease. It is crucial to seek out healthcare providers who are up-to-date with the latest findings and can provide comprehensive care.

Functional Medicine Lab Testing

Functional Medicine lab testing can offer valuable insights into the root causes of all-cause mortality factors. By assessing biomarkers and indicators of health, these tests can reveal hidden imbalances and provide a personalized approach to addressing them. Consulting with a functional medicine practitioner can help identify and target specific risk factors, allowing for a more effective preventive strategy.

10 Preventive Steps for Improved Brain Health

  1. Low Glycemic Carbohydrate Diet: Adopting a diet low in processed grains and high in nutrient-dense, whole foods can support brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

  2. Increase Autophagy with Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting promotes autophagy, a natural cellular process that removes damaged cells and waste products, supporting brain health.

  3. Reduce Stress (Cortisol): Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels can negatively impact brain function. Implement stress management techniques such as mindfulness, hypnosis, and relaxation exercises.

  4. Optimize Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep to support brain health. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensure your sleep environment is conducive to restful sleep.

  5. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Exercise promotes blood flow, reduces inflammation, and supports brain health.

  6. Brain-Stimulating Activities: Engage in mentally stimulating activities such as puzzles, reading, learning new skills, or playing musical instruments. These activities help maintain cognitive function and stimulate brain plasticity.

  7. Reduce Homocysteine and Optimize B12 Levels: Homocysteine levels can be assessed through bloodwork, and elevated levels have been associated with cognitive decline. Methylated vitamins and activated B complex supplements can help lower homocysteine and optimize B12 levels.

  8. Reduce CRP (C-reactive protein): Elevated CRP levels indicate inflammation in the body, which can negatively affect brain health. An anti-inflammatory diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, can help reduce CRP levels.

  9. Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: Keep fasting glucose below 7 and Hemoglobin A1C below 5.5 to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

  10. Reduce Inflammation: Inflammation is a natural process for healing and recovery, however, chronic inflammation can lead to cardiovascular disease and many other health issues. Testing your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and balancing with an omega-3 supplement with a 2:1 EPA to DHA ratio is clinically proven to balance inflammation levels.

Now Is The Time to Take Action

Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline can have a significant impact on individuals and their families. By adopting an integrative health approach, addressing all-cause mortality factors, and implementing preventive measures, we can take control of our brain health.

Consult with a local naturopathic doctor or a Level 2 certified Integrative Health Practitioner at Love Energy Wellness LLC to receive personalized guidance and support on your journey to optimal brain health. Let's make Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month a catalyst for positive change in our lives.

Simplify Your Health with Integrative Medicine: The Power of Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

If you’re like most women, you’ve probably been led to believe that it takes hard work to be healthy — restricting calories, strenuous daily workouts, and making sense conflicting ideology — but this is only keeping you stuck. Luckily, there’s an easy, holistic approach to your health that incorporates the best of ancient wisdom and modern science — Integrative Medicine!

This growing field combines traditional medical practices, such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Functional Medicine, with the latest advancements in medical technology. The result is a personalized approach to health that takes into account your unique physical, mental, and spiritual needs.


Studies have shown that Integrative Medicine can provide numerous health benefits, including improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, increased energy & performance, and better overall wellness. In fact, Integrative Medicine has been proven to be more effective than conventional medicine in eliminating certain conditions such as chronic pain, digestive issues, and mental health disorders.

However, to truly reap the benefits of Integrative Medicine, it’s important to have structure and discipline in your health regimen – but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

This is where a certified Integrative Health Practitioner can be incredibly valuable. They will provide you with the accountability and support you need to stay on track with your health goals with ease. With their help, you can learn to prioritize self-care and develop habits that will lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life.


You might be thinking that you don’t have time for self-care and new habits, but we believe that self-care doesn’t have to be a 3-hour routine every single day. By creating short healthy habits that are 10 minutes or less, you’ll find that:

  • You won’t dread doing them, but instead look forward to little breaks throughout the day

  • You’re more likely to stick to a daily routine, leading to more trust and confidence in yourself

  • Completing little habits more often will add up to improved health over time, rather than long routines once a week or month

  • Short habits are easier to sprinkle throughout your day, leading to better overall wellness

a few ideas to get you started:

  • Supporting the lymphatic system through dry brushing - Dry brushing has been used for many thousands of years and is necessary because the lymphatic system is the only system of the body that isn’t automated - meaning it’s up to us support it. Dry brushing can be done in under three minutes just before getting in the shower.

  • Relaxing in an infrared sauna - Infrared saunas are effective at more comfortable temperatures than traditional saunas, and because infrared heat penetrates the skin, it’s also more effective at detoxifying the body. Even better, you can get results from only ten minutes in the infrared sauna, compared to a traditional sauna at 45 minutes.

  • Listening to transformational hypnosis audios for subconscious reprogramming - Compared to other therapies, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is scientifically proven to be more effective for recovery in fewer sessions. This study shows the breakdown:

    • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions

    • Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions

    • Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

These are just a few of the many habits you can easily implement into your daily life to improve your health! If you aren’t sure where to start we offer a powerful 8-week program, The Ten Minute Lifestyle for Longevity, led by certified level 2 Integrative Health Practitioner, Jeffrey Mort in a live, weekly virtual group coaching format and featuring the life-changing DESTRESS Protocol.

Discover simple, easy, 10-minute-or-less habits that you can start implementing into your everyday life for more energy, better sleep, and a longer, more enjoyable life! Click here to learn more about when the next TML program begins.

Functional Medicine Lab Testing Explained

While a personalized nutritional plan, restorative sleep and supportive supplementation are three core foundations that go a long way to support our health, there is something even more powerful at your disposal: Functional Medicine Testing. This is a tool that gives you the deepest insight into your individual health data. Real-time, accurate information about what is going on inside your body holds the key to helping identify the underlying root cause behind any symptoms or health conditions you may be experiencing.

There is Always a Reason

When you experience any sign or symptom, it is not your body faltering, but rather a sign it needs additional support. Functional Medicine testing helps to identify nutritional deficiencies and accumulated toxicities in your body that are the reason you might not be feeling well. Once you understand these imbalances, you can then replenish any deficiencies and reduce toxicities through personalized diet and lifestyle adjustments to restore balance and embark on your path to wellness.

The Consideration With Most Laboratory Work

Anyone who has visited a doctor's office has probably been subject to lab tests at one time or another. Running your annual blood work is recommended, or other one-off tests may have been completed based on your current health concerns. But once the results were in, there's a good chance you didn't get to look at the raw data. Instead, your doctor probably gave you their interpretation of the data, with proposed treatment options – often in the form of pharmaceutical medication. There may not be anything inherently wrong with this, especially in the short term. Still, if you continue to experience symptoms after the prescribed recommendations, or where medication is often used to mask symptoms given to your diagnosis, you could be missing out on the invaluable piece you need on what the root cause of your symptoms are and how you can get well -- and that is possible through Functional Medicine lab testing.

Blood testing only looks at the blood at a specific time, and while there are certain blood markers that do hold valuable information about your health, and do form part of functional medicine testing – it is only one small part. Functional medicine testing also includes testing the urine, saliva, and hair samples that take your health data to a whole new level. Blood is a homeostatic fluid that always tries to maintain balance in the body and the range that may suggest "dis-ease" can be far off the optimal range you should try to maintain for your body to function at its best, so you feel your best.

The "Don't Guess, Test" Approach

Functional medicine testing enables you to take an in-depth look at any deficiencies in vitamins and minerals levels, hormone imbalances, gut and digestive function, how your body is coping (or not coping) with stress, overall metabolism and mood. It also identifies accumulated toxicities and when you have all of this information at your disposal, it can clearly outline the underlying reason why you may be suffering from brain fog and low mood, have difficulty losing weight, experience extreme tiredness, headaches, skin issues, digestive upset, reproductive imbalances like menstrual irregularity or low libido and any other health issue.

Take Control of Your Health

Disease is defined as a collection of symptoms and based on a diagnosis you are often given a treatment plan to mask the symptoms instead of identifying the root cause of why this has happened to begin with. At EquiLife, we have seen over and over again how quickly our clients' lives can turn around once they have completed the appropriate Functional Medicine lab testing. When you understand how your body has become imbalanced in the first place, you can then learn what you need to do to restore balance and get well. This is why Functional Medicine lab testing is one of the most popular and effective services we offer – right from the comfort of your own home.

Every test comes with a one-on-one coaching call with one of our certified health practitioners so that you can fully understand your lab results and armed with this data, begin to implement a comprehensive individualized wellness plan that best supports you. After following the recommendations, you have your initial base point and can do follow-up tests that assess your progress and any further adjustments that may be needed.

And if you aren't sure where to start, we have you covered and offer a Free Lab Selection call where you can explain your primary health issue and have the expertise of one of our certified coaches to guide you in the right direction. After your call, you will get the total value back as a credit toward the purchase of any lab or protocol recommended because our aim is for you to take back the control of your health, with the information you need to rebalance your body and live longer, stronger for life.

If you are ready to take your health to the next level – running the Big 5 lab tests will give you the most comprehensive look at your overall health and wellness. You can learn more about why using at-home lab tests to uncover your hidden health issues is so powerful from Dr. Cabral in this podcast. (Blog source)

Ready to learn more? Schedule a complimentary consultation here and we can discuss which lab is right for you!

How To Finally Get Well

How To Finally Get Well

By the time many of my clients come to me they’ve reached the old adage that goes, “I’m just sick and tired of being sick and tired…”

I’ve heard this hundreds of times over my coaching career and I’ve experienced it myself as well. The problem is that you have most likely never been shown how to finally figure out how to get well, lose the weight, or grow younger. The reason I say this is that before I discovered this myself more than 10 years ago I just thought I was going to have to live with my genetics, current ailments, and the fact that I may never have the energy, ambition, or life I truly desire.

What You’re Missing

What changed my life and what I think may be missing for you as well is the fact that everything we suffer from comes down to one or more underlying root causes that are creating imbalances in your body. You see, underlying imbalances caused by certain vitamin, mineral, or other deficiencies do not enable your body to have the raw material it needs as you age in order to slow the inflammation and repair as quickly as you once did when you were younger.

When you combine these deficiencies along with all of the environmental toxins we are exposed to and hormonal and balances that can come as a result you are dealing with a two-front battle that is causing you to feel the outward symptoms of poor health, fatigue, weight gain, or rapid aging.

Although none of this sounds like good news, there is hope. The reason why I say this is that for myself and the thousands of others I’ve worked with, once we discover your unique underlying root cause imbalances (which are your specific deficiencies and toxicities) we can go about rebalancing those. Because remember, when you bring up your deficiencies your body now has the raw material it needs in order to be able to provide energy for your system. And when you remove a lot of the toxicities, the blockages that were once holding you back have now gotten out of the way.

How to Figure It Out

So now that you know how to go about getting well once and for all, the next step is figuring out what your specific deficiencies and toxicities are that lead to a dis-ease of the body in the first place. What I did, and what I now share with my clients is using simple to complete, at home health tests that show you what your current levels are of all of these biomarkers in your body:

●      Digestive imbalances

●      Hormone levels

●      Stress levels

●      Neurotransmitter mood levels

●      Vitamin levels

●      Mineral levels

●      Omega-3 inflammatory levels

●      Heavy-metal toxicities

●      Food sensitivities

●      And so much more

This Makes All the Difference

To be honest any program you begin that doesn’t look at you as an individual is going to be hit or miss in terms of being able to promise results. The difference with what myself and other Integrative Health Practitioners do is that we take the guesswork out of the equation and instead figure out what it is that’s holding your body back from becoming well again.

Once you have knowledge of your individual deficiencies and toxicities, a personalized plan can then be developed in order to go about rebalancing your body and mind. When an Integrative Health Practitioner works with the client they don’t just provide you with your testing results, but they empower you with a knowledge of what your numbers actually mean. After that, you can then easily see for yourself what needs to be done in order to bring life and vitality back to your body.

It Will Work for You Too

All of this is truly an amazing process and with the help of the right IHP Certified Health Coach to guide you along the way you will learn more about yourself in the next 12 weeks than you may possibly ever have. This exact process has worked for me and my clients and that is why I can’t wait to share those same results with you.

For more information on this exact process simply book a complimentary consultation!