Success Mindset

Harnessing the Power of World Tai Chi Day: A Gateway to Holistic Well-being and Success

As You’ll Discover:

In a world teeming with stress, chaos, and incessant demands, achieving holistic well-being has become a universal pursuit. Enter World Tai Chi Day, a global celebration dedicated to promoting the ancient Chinese martial art of Tai Chi and its profound benefits for mind, body, and spirit. As proponents of Integrative Health, we recognize the immense potential of Tai Chi in fostering balance, harmony, and vitality in our lives. In this blog, we delve into the history of World Tai Chi Day, explore its real-world applications, discuss its impact on life and business, and highlight how embracing Tai Chi can pave the way to success. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The History of World Tai Chi Day:

World Tai Chi Day traces its origins back to the early 21st century when a visionary group of Tai Chi enthusiasts sought to create a global movement to celebrate this ancient practice. In 1999, the inaugural World Tai Chi Day was held, marked by practitioners around the world gathering in public spaces to perform Tai Chi together. Since then, the event has grown exponentially, with participants from diverse backgrounds and cultures coming together on the last Saturday of April each year to celebrate Tai Chi's profound benefits.

Global Synchronization:

One of the unique aspects of World Tai Chi Day is its synchronization across time zones, with participants gathering to practice Tai Chi at 10 a.m. local time worldwide. This unified global practice symbolizes the interconnectedness of humanity and the collective intention to promote peace, harmony, and well-being. The "one breath" concept underscores this unity, as practitioners synchronize their movements and breathe as one, fostering a sense of shared energy and purpose. By harmonizing our actions with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, we amplify the transformative power of Tai Chi and create a ripple effect of positive energy that reverberates across the globe.

Real-World Application of Tai Chi:

Tai Chi, often referred to as "moving meditation," combines gentle, flowing movements with deep breathing and mindfulness techniques. Its holistic approach addresses physical, mental, and emotional well-being, making it accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular health, the benefits of Tai Chi extend far beyond the practice itself.

In today's fast-paced world, where chronic stress and lifestyle-related diseases are rampant, Tai Chi offers a holistic solution to promote overall health and vitality. Its gentle yet powerful movements help release tension, calm the mind, and cultivate inner peace, enabling practitioners to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Impact on Life and Business:

The impact of Tai Chi extends beyond personal well-being to encompass broader societal and economic implications. In the realm of healthcare, Tai Chi has emerged as a cost-effective intervention for managing chronic conditions such as hypertension, arthritis, and depression. By promoting preventive health measures and reducing healthcare costs, Tai Chi contributes to a healthier population and more sustainable healthcare systems.

Moreover, the principles of Tai Chi—balance, adaptability, and harmony—have profound implications for business and leadership. In today's volatile and uncertain business landscape, leaders who embody Tai Chi's principles are better equipped to navigate complexity, foster collaboration, and inspire innovation. By cultivating a culture of mindfulness and resilience, organizations can enhance employee well-being, productivity, and overall performance.

Tai Chi as a Pathway to Success:

Embracing Tai Chi as a daily practice can serve as a unique pathway to success in both personal and professional realms. By cultivating a strong foundation of physical and mental well-being, individuals are better equipped to unleash their full potential and achieve their goals. Whether striving for career advancement, entrepreneurial success, or personal fulfillment, Tai Chi provides a powerful framework for holistic growth and self-mastery.

In the competitive landscape of business and entrepreneurship, the ability to maintain focus, adapt to change, and cultivate inner resilience is paramount. Tai Chi offers a time-tested methodology for honing these essential skills, empowering individuals to thrive amidst adversity and uncertainty. By integrating Tai Chi into their daily routine, entrepreneurs and business leaders can unlock new levels of creativity, clarity, and strategic insight, leading to sustainable success and fulfillment.

Brining it All Together:

As advocates of Integrative Health, we recognize World Tai Chi Day as a celebration of holistic well-being and a catalyst for positive change in our world. By embracing the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi and harnessing its transformative power, individuals and communities can cultivate resilience, harmony, and vitality in their lives. As we commemorate World Tai Chi Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting health, happiness, and prosperity for all, one mindful breath and gentle movement at a time.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Tai-Chi & Baguazhang Practitioner, Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation

The Sustainability Blueprint: 8 Ways to Maintain Your Health Results

It’s Clear That:

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, maintaining optimal health often takes a backseat to the demands of running a successful business. However, neglecting health can have dire consequences on both personal well-being and professional performance. This is where Integrative Health steps in, offering a holistic approach to wellness that empowers entrepreneurs to prioritize their health without sacrificing their ambitions.

Imagine completing an amazing 7 or 21-day functional medicine detox protocol. You've dedicated yourself to cleansing your body, reviving your energy, and kickstarting healthier habits. But what happens after the detox ends? How do you maintain the momentum and commitment to your health goals amidst the chaos of entrepreneurship?

Here's where the mindset shift comes into play. It's not just about completing the detox; it's about embracing the journey of sustainable health practices. Let's delve into some key strategies to stay on track and elevate your health game post-detox: (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Celebrate the Experience:

First and foremost, celebrate your achievement! Completing a detox is no small feat. Recognize the dedication and discipline you've demonstrated throughout the process. Celebrating milestones, no matter how small, reinforces positive behavior and boosts motivation.

Incorporate Flexibility:

While consistency is key, it's essential to allow yourself some flexibility. Integrate one flex meal per week into your routine, where you can indulge in your favorite treats guilt-free. This balanced approach prevents feelings of deprivation and promotes a healthy relationship with food.

Acknowledge Positive Outcomes:

Take a moment to acknowledge the positive outcomes of your detox journey. Perhaps you've experienced increased energy levels, clearer skin, or improved mental clarity. Recognizing these benefits reinforces the value of prioritizing your health and serves as a powerful motivator to continue your wellness journey.

Maintain Healthy Habits:

Harness the momentum gained from the detox to establish and maintain healthy habits. Embrace those practices such as:

  1.  12-16 hour overnight intermittent fasting 

  2. Following a nutrient -dense anti-inflammatory diet

  3. Prioritizing meal timing for balanced blood sugar levels

  4. Targeted supplementation to maintain detoxification

  5. Adhering to regular sleep patterns, and 

  6. Incorporating consistent exercise and recovery into your routine

These habits lay the foundation for long-term health and vitality.

7. Embrace Holistic Approaches:

Integrative Health offers a comprehensive approach to wellness that considers the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Incorporate holistic practices such as regular sauna sessions (3-4 times per week) to support detoxification, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. These holistic modalities complement traditional approaches to health, fostering overall well-being.

8. I know You’re Concerned for your Future:

Maintain your commitment to health by planning your next detox protocol. Aim for a 90-day interval between seasonal detoxes to allow your body ample time to reset and rejuvenate. Setting concrete goals and timelines provides structure and accountability, ensuring that you stay on track with your health objectives.

Now, let's address the impact of prioritizing health on both life and business:

Consequences on Life and Business:

Neglecting health can have profound consequences on both personal and professional spheres. Poor health not only diminishes quality of life but also impedes productivity, creativity, and decision-making abilities. As an entrepreneur, your health directly impacts your ability to lead effectively, innovate, and sustain long-term success.

Integrative Health Coaching: A Unique Solution:

Integrative Health coaching offers personalized guidance and support tailored to the unique needs of entrepreneurs. By addressing the root causes of health issues and implementing sustainable lifestyle changes, Integrative Health coaches empower individuals to achieve optimal health and vitality. From meal planning and stress management to mindset shifts and accountability, Integrative Health coaching provides comprehensive support on the journey to wellness.

Avoiding Failure, Achieving Success:

Prioritizing health isn't just about avoiding failure; it's about maximizing your potential for success. By investing in your well-being, you enhance your resilience, creativity, and productivity – essential qualities for thriving in the competitive landscape of entrepreneurship. Integrative Health equips you with the tools and strategies needed to optimize both your health and your business performance, setting the stage for sustainable success.

Explore Integrative Health:

Ready to take your health and business to the next level? Explore the transformative potential of Integrative Health with a complimentary consultation at Love Energy Wellness. Our team of experienced Integrative Health coaches is dedicated to guiding entrepreneurs on their journey to holistic wellness. Discover how Integrative Health can elevate your health, enhance your performance, and unlock your full potential.

Tying it All Together: 

Sustaining commitment to health goals after completing a functional medicine detox protocol requires a shift in mindset and a dedication to holistic wellness practices. By celebrating achievements, embracing flexibility, and maintaining healthy habits, entrepreneurs can prioritize their health without compromising their ambitions. Integrative Health coaching offers personalized support and guidance to navigate the challenges of balancing health and business, empowering individuals to achieve optimal well-being and success.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life – explore Integrative Health today!

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation

Igniting Prosperity: How Smudging Fuels Entrepreneurial Spirit and Success

Naturally, You Want to Know About…

The Native American tradition of burning sage and sweet grass, known as smudging, has been a cornerstone of spiritual and ceremonial practices for centuries. This sacred ritual is believed to purify the mind, body, and spirit, as well as cleanse a space of negative energies. While the practice may seem mystical, recent scientific studies have shed light on the actual benefits of smudging. In this blog post, we'll delve into the history and significance of smudging, followed by an exploration of the science behind how burning sage can eliminate negative energies. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

History and Significance of Smudging

Smudging is a ritual that dates back to pre-European contact, with various Native American tribes having their unique smudging practices. The most common plants used for smudging are sage, sweet grass, and cedar. Sage is believed to drive out negative energies, while sweet grass attracts positive energies. Cedar is often used to purify and protect.

Smudging is an essential part of many Native American ceremonies, including birth and death celebrations, weddings, and spiritual initiations. The ritual involves lighting the dried plants and allowing the smoke to fill the air. Participants often fan the smoke towards themselves or the space being cleansed.

In Native American culture, the abalone shell holds profound significance in the practice of smudging ceremonies. Revered as a sacred vessel, the abalone shell is believed to embody the energies of the ocean and the divine. Its iridescent beauty reflects the interconnectedness of all life and serves as a reminder of the harmony found in nature. When used in smudging rituals, the shell is seen as a conduit for carrying prayers to the heavens, purifying the space, and connecting with the spirits of the land. Its gentle, oceanic whispers echo the wisdom of the ancestors, guiding those who partake in the ceremony towards balance, healing, and spiritual renewal.

Science Behind Smudging

While smudging has long been associated with spiritual and mystical beliefs, recent studies have uncovered fascinating scientific explanations for its effectiveness.

Air Purification

One of the most significant discoveries is that burning sage releases negative ions into the air. These negative ions neutralize positive ions, which are emitted by electronic devices and can contribute to air pollution. By burning sage, the air is purified, and harmful particles are removed.

Antimicrobial Properties

Research has also shown that sage contains antimicrobial compounds that are released during burning. These compounds have been found to reduce airborne bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This means that smudging can literally cleanse the air of harmful pathogens!

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

Smudging has long been associated with emotional and psychological benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that the aroma of sage can stimulate the brain's limbic system, promoting relaxation and calmness. Additionally, the ritualistic nature of smudging can create a sense of ceremony and mindfulness, which can be therapeutic in itself.

Your Key Takeaway

The Native American tradition of smudging has stood the test of time, and for good reason. Not only does the ritual hold deep spiritual significance, but science has also proven its effectiveness in purifying the air, reducing harmful pathogens, and promoting emotional wellbeing. By embracing this ancient practice, we can connect with the natural world, honor indigenous wisdom, and cultivate a healthier environment and mindset. So the next time you're feeling stressed or need to reset, consider lighting some sage and sweet grass, and let the healing smoke envelop you.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at

Attuning Success: The Entrepreneur's Path to a Solution-Focused Mindset and Hypnotic Transformation

Problem Solving is NOT the Answer:

In the realm of entrepreneurship, the journey to success often feels like a delicate dance between challenges and breakthroughs. The landscape of business is ever-evolving, presenting entrepreneurs with an array of problems to solve and opportunities to seize. Yet, what if we told you that the key to navigating this dynamic terrain lies not solely in the external circumstances, but rather in the internal vibrations of our consciousness? Welcome to the quantum perspective on entrepreneurship, where everything is energy, and the frequency of a problem is distinct from that of its solution. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Understanding the Quantum Framework:

At the heart of quantum theory lies the concept that everything in the universe, including thoughts, emotions, and physical matter, is comprised of energy. This energy vibrates at different frequencies, creating the diverse tapestry of experiences we encounter in our lives. From a quantum perspective, problems and solutions are not static entities but rather dynamic patterns of energy with distinct vibrational signatures.

Consider this: when we encounter a problem in our entrepreneurial journey, whether it's a financial setback, a marketing challenge, or a product flaw, we are essentially tuning into a particular frequency of energy. This frequency is characterized by resistance, limitation, and frustration, which can easily trap us in a cycle of negativity and stagnation if we allow it to dominate our focus.

However, embedded within every problem is its counterpart – the solution. Just as a radio can tune into different stations by adjusting its frequency, so too can we tune into the frequency of solutions by shifting our focus and attention. The key insight here is that the frequency of a problem is inherently different from that of its solution, and our ability to discern and align with the latter holds the power to transform our entrepreneurial endeavors.

The Power of Focus:

Entrepreneurship is a journey fraught with uncertainty and ambiguity. In the face of mounting challenges, it's all too easy to become ensnared in a cycle of worry and despair, fixating on the myriad problems that stand in our way. Yet, as quantum principles illuminate, what we focus our attention on expands. When we dwell incessantly on our problems, we inadvertently amplify their energetic resonance, perpetuating a feedback loop of negativity and limitation.

Conversely, when we shift our focus to the solutions – to the possibilities, opportunities, and innovations that lie beyond the obstacles – we begin to align ourselves with a higher frequency of energy. This frequency is characterized by creativity, resourcefulness, and resilience, empowering us to transcend the constraints of our circumstances and manifest our entrepreneurial vision with greater ease and flow.

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind:

While the concept of shifting focus from problems to solutions may sound simple in theory, it often proves challenging in practice, primarily due to the deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behavior encoded within our subconscious minds. Our subconscious acts as a powerful filter through which we perceive and interpret reality, shaping our beliefs, attitudes, and actions in profound ways.

To truly harness the quantum perspective on entrepreneurship, we must first reprogram our subconscious minds to align with the frequency of solutions. This is where clinical hypnosis emerges as a potent tool for transformation. Clinical hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy, is a therapeutic technique that utilizes guided relaxation and focused attention to access the subconscious mind and effect positive change at the deepest level of awareness.

Through targeted hypnotherapy sessions, entrepreneurs can identify and release limiting beliefs and thought patterns that perpetuate a problem-focused mindset. By replacing these limiting beliefs with empowering affirmations and visualizations that emphasize abundance, possibility, and success, individuals can rewire their subconscious minds to naturally gravitate towards solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

Moreover, hypnosis facilitates a state of heightened receptivity and suggestibility, allowing entrepreneurs to bypass the critical faculty of the conscious mind and access the subconscious directly. In this altered state of consciousness, individuals can more effectively integrate new perspectives, habits, and behaviors that support their entrepreneurial goals, enabling them to navigate challenges with greater clarity, confidence, and composure.

Bringing it All Together:

In the realm of entrepreneurship, success is not merely a matter of external circumstances but rather a reflection of our internal state of consciousness. By embracing the quantum perspective on entrepreneurship and recognizing that everything is energy, entrepreneurs can transcend the limitations of problem-focused thinking and align themselves with the frequency of solutions.

Through the power of focused attention and subconscious reprogramming, entrepreneurs can cultivate a mindset of abundance, possibility, and resilience that propels them towards success. Clinical hypnosis offers a potent means of effecting this transformation, providing entrepreneurs with the tools and techniques to harness the full potential of their subconscious minds and manifest their entrepreneurial vision with clarity, confidence, and conviction.

If you’re the kind of person who’s ready to shift your focus from problems to solutions and unlock the infinite possibilities that await you on your entrepreneurial journey, then take the first step towards greater success and fulfillment by booking a free consult at [] and discover how clinical hypnosis can help you reprogram your subconscious mind for greater focused attention and entrepreneurial success.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation

Trapped by Disintegration Anxiety: Breaking Resistance to the Very Change we Seek

As You Already Know:

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, the journey to success can be fraught with challenges, setbacks, and unexpected twists. Many women entrepreneurs find themselves feeling stuck, repeating unwanted patterns, and, in turn, losing precious time and money. The quest for success often requires more than just strategic business planning—it necessitates a deeper understanding of the subconscious mind and its impact on one's identity and behavior. This is where the powerful tool of hypnosis comes into play. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Have You Fully Considered The Cost of Feeling Stuck?:

Entrepreneurship is a thrilling adventure, but it comes with its own set of obstacles. Feeling stuck and encountering repeated patterns can be not only frustrating but also costly. Time wasted on unproductive habits, self-doubt, and ineffective strategies can directly impact the growth and success of a business. Financial resources are limited, and every moment spent in a cycle of stagnation is a missed opportunity for progress.

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind:

Hypnosis, often misconceived as a mysterious practice, is a proven technique used by high achievers to reprogram the subconscious mind. It involves accessing the mind's deeper levels to bring about positive changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. For women entrepreneurs seeking to break free from the shackles of unproductive patterns, hypnosis offers a unique pathway to self-discovery, personal growth, and, ultimately, business success.

Disintegration Anxiety: Understanding the Culprit:

One common barrier to personal and professional development is disintegration anxiety. This phenomenon occurs when the subconscious mind resists change, clinging to familiar patterns and identities. It's the discomfort and anxiety that arise when attempting to break away from the known—even if the known is holding you back. Recognizing disintegration anxiety is the first step towards overcoming it.

Dealing Effectively with Disintegration Anxiety:

1. Self-Awareness:

The journey of overcoming disintegration anxiety begins with self-awareness. Acknowledge the patterns that are holding you back and recognize the need for change. Understanding that these patterns are rooted in the subconscious allows for a more targeted and effective approach to transformation.

2. Embracing Change:

Embracing change can be challenging, especially when it involves challenging long-held beliefs and behaviors. However, it's essential to view change as a gateway to growth and success. Hypnosis facilitates this process by creating a relaxed state of mind that allows for greater openness to new ideas and perspectives.

3. Reprogramming through Hypnosis:

Hypnosis serves as a powerful tool for reprogramming the subconscious mind. By accessing the deeper layers of the mind, a skilled hypnotist can help entrepreneurs replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Through guided visualization and positive suggestions, hypnosis can reshape the neural pathways that dictate behavior, leading to a more aligned and successful life.

Hypnosis as a Tool of Super-Achievers:

It's not uncommon for super-achievers to incorporate hypnosis into their routines. Successful entrepreneurs, athletes, and leaders understand the immense potential of the subconscious mind and leverage hypnosis to propel themselves forward. By addressing disintegration anxiety and reprogramming their minds, they gain a competitive edge and maintain a resilient mindset in the face of challenges.

Avoiding Failure, Embracing Success:

Failure is an inevitable part of any entrepreneurial journey, but how one responds to it makes all the difference. Hypnosis equips women entrepreneurs with the mental tools to navigate challenges with resilience and determination. By addressing disintegration anxiety, breaking free from unproductive patterns, and cultivating a success-oriented mindset, failure becomes a stepping stone rather than an obstacle.

You’re Only One Step Away:

If you're a woman entrepreneur ready to break free from the chains of disintegration anxiety and unlock the potential of your inner being, it's time to explore the transformative power of hypnosis. Love Energy Wellness offers a complimentary hypnosis consultation to help you understand how reprogramming your subconscious mind can lead to business success.

Visit Love Energy Wellness ( to get your FREE audio training for confidence and to schedule your consultation today. Take the first step towards overcoming disintegration anxiety and paving the way for a future of achievement and fulfillment in both your personal and professional life. The journey to success starts within, and hypnosis can be the key to unlocking your true self.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy and performance in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation at

Navigating Cognitive Challenges: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Brain Resilience

Women entrepreneurs often prioritize physical health

– maintaining a fit body and a balanced diet. However, when it comes to biologically aging backwards, it's crucial to extend our focus beyond the physical aspects and consider the well-being of our mental state and brain health. In this integrative health blog post, we'll explore the multifaceted approach to brain health, unveiling the importance of nutrients, healthy blood flow, antioxidants, and toxin removal for optimal cognitive function. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

Understanding the Complexity of Brain Health:

The brain, as intricate as it is, requires proper nourishment to function at its best. Western diets high in refined sugar, unhealthy carbohydrates, and trans fats can impede the flow of essential nutrients to the brain, exacerbating age-related cognitive decline. To age gracefully, we must adopt a holistic approach to brain health that encompasses targeted supplementation.

Targeted Supplementation for Brain Health:

1. Acetyl-L-Carnitine:

   Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring compound that diminishes with age. Supplementation with a bioavailable form easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, increasing brain carnitine and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a crucial neurotransmitter vital to learning, memory, and cognition, supporting neuronal plasticity.

2. Citicoline:

   An intermediate chemical in neurotransmitter production, Citicoline plays a key role in increasing neurotransmitters like dopamine, phosphatidylcholine, and norepinephrine. This may contribute to improved memory and overall cognitive function.

3. CholineAid:

   A highly bioavailable form of alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline, CholineAid improves the production of acetylcholine in the brain. This, in turn, supports memory and helps counteract normal age-related cognitive decline.

4. Coffee Fruit Extract:

   Derived from the coffee plant's fruit, this extract has been clinically shown to increase levels of a key neuroprotein (BDNF) crucial for learning, memory, and higher thinking. It offers unique benefits beyond the coffee bean, enhancing cognitive function.

5. Phosphatidylserine:

   Extracted from sunflower seeds, phosphatidylserine protects brain cells, aids in intercellular signaling, acts as an antioxidant, and reduces stress. Clinical studies have demonstrated improved short-term memory, mood, and concentration in individuals taking phosphatidylserine.

6. Gingko Biloba:

   An ancient tree extract used in Ayurvedic and eastern medicine for centuries, Gingko Biloba supports circulation and memory. Its antioxidant properties contribute to brain health by increasing blood flow and promoting overall cognitive well-being.

It’s Common Knowledge That…

Taking care of your brain is an essential part of optimizing for longevity and maintaining peak cognitive function. Consider incorporating these targeted supplements into your routine to support clarity of thought, sharp focus, and enhanced memory. For personalized guidance on your journey to holistic brain health, book a complimentary health consultation at Nourish your mind and empower your entrepreneurial journey today!

 Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him, Integrative Health and schedule your complimentary consultation

Unlocking Subconscious Potential: A Hypnotic Revolution in Personal and Professional Growth


Welcome to an exploration of the intriguing world of hypnosis on this World Hypnotism Day! Every year on January 4th, we celebrate the art and science of hypnosis, shedding light on its rich history, debunking common myths, and delving into its clinical efficacy and applications. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The History of Hypnosis:

Hypnosis has a captivating history that spans centuries. While ancient cultures utilized trance-like states in rituals and healing practices, the modern understanding of hypnosis emerged in the 18th century. Franz Mesmer, a German physician, introduced the concept of "animal magnetism," laying the foundation for what we now know as hypnosis. Over time, pioneers like James Braid and Sigmund Freud contributed to its development, solidifying its place in psychology and medicine.

Debunking Myths Surrounding Hypnosis:

Hypnosis is often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a form of mind control, and individuals under hypnosis cannot be made to do things against their will. Instead, it is a collaborative process where the person being hypnotized actively participates. Scientific research consistently refutes the idea that only gullible or weak-minded individuals can be hypnotized; in fact, most people can experience some level of hypnotic suggestion.

Clinical Efficacy and Applications:

Beyond its portrayal in entertainment, hypnosis has proven clinical efficacy. It is recognized as a valuable tool in overcoming various conditions, including:

  • chronic pain

  • anxiety

  • phobias

  • and stress-related disorders

Hypnotherapy has also been successfully integrated into smoking cessation programs, weight management, and even as an adjunct to traditional medical treatments. The mind-body connection emphasized in hypnosis can contribute to overall well-being.

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

Experiencing hypnosis is a highly individualized process. Commonly described sensations include deep relaxation, heightened focus, and a sense of detachment from immediate surroundings. Many report a pleasant, dream-like state where the mind is open to suggestion. It's essential to note that individuals may experience hypnosis differently, and there is no one-size-fits-all description.

Continuing the Conversation:

If you find yourself intrigued by the potential benefits of hypnosis or wish to explore it further, consider a complimentary consultation at 

There, you can connect with experts who can provide personalized insights and answer any questions you may have about the transformative power of hypnosis.


As we celebrate World Hypnotism Day, let's embrace the opportunity to demystify this ancient practice, appreciate its historical evolution, and recognize its positive impact on mental and physical well-being. Whether you're a skeptic or a curious enthusiast, the journey into the world of hypnosis is one filled with fascinating discoveries and potential for personal growth.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast.  Neither the podcast or this blog claim to provide any medical advice, medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans or medical cures.

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

Breaking the Cycle of Fading Resolutions: The Blueprint for Sustainable Transformation

As the glittering ball drops and we bid farewell to 2023, many of us embark on a journey filled with hope, armed with new resolutions for a healthier, happier life. However, the stark reality is that by March, a staggering 80% of these resolutions will have fizzled out, leaving us questioning our willpower and determination. But what if I told you it's NOT about willpower at all? The missing piece lies in understanding the power of your subconscious identity. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The Willpower Myth:

Contrary to popular belief, failed resolutions aren't solely a result of weak willpower. Instead, the culprit lies in the depths of our subconscious minds. Our thoughts evolve into feelings, which in turn shape our beliefs. This natural progression creates habits that, over time, form our subconscious identity. It is this identity that molds our attitude, decisions, actions, and, ultimately, our outcomes. No matter how strong our willpower may be, it's a finite resource akin to a battery that eventually drains.

The Game-changer:

So, what's the game-changer in achieving lasting wellness resolutions? The answer lies at the intersection of neuroscience and hypnosis. These tools delve into the subconscious, reshaping thoughts and beliefs at their core. The NeuroTRUST Method of Hypnosis understands the intricate relationship between thoughts, feelings, and identity, offering a unique approach to sustainable change.

Understanding the Power of Reprogramming:

Thoughts, as the building blocks of our subconscious identity, can be reprogrammed through hypnosis. By altering these deep-seated beliefs, we pave the way for new habits and, subsequently, a transformed identity. This breakthrough allows us to escape the limitations of willpower and align our actions with our desired outcomes.

Credibility Through Research:

Research speaks volumes, and studies comparing the effectiveness of hypnosis against other methods underscore its power. According to recent findings, hypnosis has shown remarkable success rates in comparison to traditional approaches. The NeuroTRUST Method of Hypnosis offers a credible pathway to achieving wellness goals that withstand the test of time.

The Path to Performance:

If you're the kind of person who’s ready to break free from the cycle of failed resolutions and embrace a lasting transformation, take the first step. I invite you to schedule your 60-minute complimentary NeuroTRUST Method of Hypnosis consultation. Discover how hypnosis can unlock the power of your subconscious, leading to sustainable results and a healthier, happier you.

the power of choice:

As we stand on the precipice of a new year, may your journey towards wellness be guided by the understanding that true change emanates from within. Wishing you a year filled with profound shifts, lasting transformations, and the joy that comes from living authentically. May 2024 be the year you rewrite your subconscious script and step into the best version of yourself. Here's to a year of wellness and prosperity!

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. 

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

Navigating Entrepreneurial Health in 2024: A Wellness Blueprint for a Successful Journey

Today You’ll Discover:

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the spirit of ambition and innovation often takes center stage, overshadowing the crucial aspect of personal well-being. Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey without a personalized wellness blueprint is akin to sailing through uncharted waters without a navigation plan. In this blog post, we delve into the profound repercussions of neglecting one's mental, physical, and emotional well-being, exploring the transformative success that awaits those who prioritize their health. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

The Uncharted Waters of Entrepreneurship:

Picture the vast expanse of unexplored possibilities as you sail through uncharted waters, and now imagine doing so without a meticulously crafted navigation plan. This scenario mirrors the reality faced by many entrepreneurs as they plunge into the new year without a personalized wellness blueprint. It's like setting sail without a compass, where the currents of stress, burnout, and health neglect can lead one off course.

The Profound Repercussions:

Entrepreneurs navigating the treacherous waters of business often encounter a myriad of health issues, including low energy, hormone imbalances, low libido, thyroid dysfunction, uncontrollable weight gain, infertility, and poor sleep. These challenges can significantly impact both personal well-being and professional success.

Empathizing with Objections:

In the face of these health challenges, individuals often express valid concerns about the limited options offered by conventional medicine and seek a better understanding of integrative health. Questions about how integrative health works, what the experience is like, whether it relies solely on supplements, and how long it takes to see results are common objections.

A Holistic Approach to Wellness:

To address these concerns, we invite you to a conversation as well as present a comprehensive New Year Wellness Plan designed to empower entrepreneurs to take control of their health and well-being.

Step 1: Don't Guess, Test!

Start by embracing state-of-the-art advanced functional medicine at-home health tests covering a range of factors, including parasites, mineral imbalances, heavy metal toxicities, vitamin deficiencies, gut health, inflammation levels, food sensitivities, blood sugar, stress levels, estrogen and progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormone balance.

Step 2: Open Liver Detox Pathways

Implement a 21-day functional medicine detox protocol to open liver detox pathways, promoting overall health and vitality.

Step 3: Remove Toxins and Replace Deficiencies

Tailor a health plan based on at-home health test results, using clinically proven functional medicine protocols. Addressing issues such as parasites (if present), gut health, mold, heavy metals, and immunity will ensure a comprehensive and effective approach.

Next Steps:

For a personalized wellness plan for 2024, consider working with a Level 2 certified integrative health practitioner. These professionals can guide you on a purposeful journey towards holistic well-being, helping you navigate the entrepreneurial waters with resilience, triumph, and transformative power.

It’s Clear That:

In the spirit of ambition and innovation, let us not neglect the sanctity of our well-being. By prioritizing our mental, physical, and emotional health, we equip ourselves with the tools needed to sail confidently through the uncharted waters of entrepreneurship, unlocking a future defined by resilience, triumph, and a purposeful journey.

Jeffrey Mort is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a certified High Performance Health Coach, a National Guild certified Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. 

Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy in the healthiest way possible so they can better serve their clients, their families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

Harnessing the Law of Attraction and Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

Today, we delve into the abyss of the human mind once again, exploring a paradox as old as time itself: the enigmatic interplay between the law of attraction and the relentless pursuit of success. This secret truth often goes overlooked and may well be the very force that repels your ambitions. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden threads that connect the quantum realms of intention with the tangible world of achievement. Get ready to witness a transformative shift in your entrepreneurial journey as we shift our focus from the problem to the irresistible allure of the solution.

The Law of Attraction's Paradox

Many entrepreneurs find themselves repelling the very things they desire in life and business. They may seek better health, wealth, success, relationships, or material possessions, but they continue to elude them. Despite reading self-help books like "Think and Grow Rich" or watching documentaries like "The Secret," the same outcomes persist. Why does this happen? To get to the root of the problem, let's consider what Nikola Tesla said: "If you want to better understand this world, you need to start thinking in terms of frequency and vibration." This world is purely frequency and vibration, and we, as bioelectromagnetic beings, are made of energy.

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

Our thoughts and feelings are energy, and we attract what we think about. Most people's thoughts and feelings, when they desire something, are focused on the absence of that thing. They harbor feelings of lack, worry, and doubt, playing the victim to circumstances. What if we shifted our energy from fighting against something to focusing on having it, experiencing the outcome, and living from possibility? Feeling good is the work.

Harnessing the Power of Hypnosis

But how do we put this into practice amidst our busy lives? Hypnosis, a clinically proven technique, can play a pivotal role in enhancing the law of attraction. Here are seven ways hypnosis can amplify your ability to attract what you desire:

  1. Enhancing Focus: Hypnosis induces deep relaxation and intense focus, helping individuals eliminate distractions and maintain a clear mental image of their desires.

  2. Generating Positive Emotions: Hypnosis evokes positive emotions and aligns individuals with the law of attraction's principle of like attracting like.

  3. Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs: Hypnosis identifies and reprograms limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering and positive beliefs that support one's goals.

  4. Strengthening Visualization: Hypnosis makes mental imagery more vivid and realistic, reinforcing the belief that desired outcomes are attainable.

  5. Boosting Confidence and Self-Efficacy: Hypnosis enhances self-confidence and belief in one's ability to manifest their desires, eliminating doubts.

  6. Stress Reduction: Hypnosis reduces stress and negative emotions, preventing them from blocking the flow of positive energy.

  7. Consistency: Regular hypnosis sessions maintain a focused and positive mindset over time, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.

Incorporating hypnosis into your life alongside the law of attraction can be a powerful combination. While the direct connection between hypnosis and quantum entanglement is debatable, many find value in using hypnosis as a psychological tool to enhance their mental and emotional state, aligning with the law of attraction's principles.

Where is your attention?

Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that may not be serving you. Practice staying out of worry, doubt, and fear, and shift to a mindful state of peace, abundance, and prosperity. Remember, you cannot be rich until you feel rich. Embrace confidence and act as if your desires are already fulfilled.

If you're curious to explore more about our NeuroTrust method of hypnosis, we offer a complimentary consultation. Your success is our commitment, and we're here to help you break boundaries and achieve your dreams. Please share this article with anyone it could benefit to help us help more people.

Jeffrey Mort is an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Level 1 & 2, a National Guild of Hypnotists Consulting Hypnotist, and the host of the "Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs" podcast. Jeffrey specializes in helping female entrepreneurs reclaim their energy so they can better serve their clients, families, and themselves. You can learn more about him and Integrative Health at

How Non-Local Consciousness Could Impact Entrepreneurial Success

Picture a realm where your entrepreneurial success is no longer bound by the limits of conventional thinking – a dimension where the controversial topic of the power of non-local consciousness propels you to unprecedented achievements. Step into a world where the mind's boundaries extend far beyond the limitations we've come to accept. In this article, we're about to unlock a realm of possibilities that defy the conventional wisdom that confines our thoughts within the cranial walls. Prepare to challenge the norm and explore the untapped potential of non-local consciousness. Just as a seed's true essence extends beyond its shell, so too do the possibilities of our beliefs. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're occupied with business matters, yet who tends to your well-being? If you're prepared to elevate your energy and performance in both your life and your business, then this article is tailored for you. Today, we begin to break the boundaries of your mind, body, and business using integrative health, and in doing so, unleash limitless possibilities.

Numerous entrepreneurs encounter mental barriers, can you relate? Intriguingly, these barriers might not reside within your physical brain. Today, we're delving into the mind, particularly the subconscious mind and exploring the unbiased concept that it may be, in fact, non-local to the physical brain. Mental boundaries can potentially hinder your journey to success. However, you have the personal power to transcend these limitations.

Today, we're exploring both research and ancient wisdom perspectives that suggest the mind's non-local nature. The idea of the mind extending beyond the confines of the brain is a subject of both philosophical and scientific discourse. Some interpretations of research and ancient wisdom propose that consciousness and the mind might transcend the physical boundaries of the brain. Let's delve into three ways from each perspective.

From the research perspective, let's consider three aspects:

  • Near-Death Experiences: Referred to as NDEs in the medical realm, individuals who've undergone near-death situations often recount vivid experiences, including observing events around them while their brain activity remains limited. This hints at the potential for consciousness to exist independently of brain function. A recommended book on this topic is Anita Moriani's "Dying to Be Me," which narrates her powerful near-death experience.

  • Telepathy and Remote Viewing: Certain studies propose that some individuals display telepathic or remote viewing capabilities, allowing them to access information about distant or concealed objects/events without relying on their usual senses. Though controversial, these findings suggest a form of non-local information transfer that challenges conventional concepts of localized consciousness.

  • Quantum Consciousness Hypothesis: Some theories connect consciousness with quantum physics. The phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where particles become connected regardless of distance, raises inquiries about space, time, and consciousness. While speculative, this concept highlights a possible non-local facet of the mind.

Moving to the ancient wisdom perspective, here are three insights:

  • Eastern Philosophical Traditions: Traditions like Buddhism, Taoism, and Hermeticism from Eastern spiritual and philosophical spheres propose that consciousness transcends the physical body or brain and is interconnected with the universe. These perspectives emphasize that the individual self is an illusion, and genuine awareness surpasses material confines.

  • Shamanic Practices: Many shamanic cultures emphasize altered states of consciousness achieved through rituals, meditation, or plant-based remedies. These practices imply that consciousness can extend beyond the physical body and access dimensions that exceed ordinary perceptions and limitations.

  • Mystical Experiences: Mystics across various cultures and religions have recounted experiences of unity with higher realities or divine entities. These encounters often entail transcending the restrictions of the physical body and accessing a deeper universal consciousness beyond the brain.

It's crucial to remember that while these viewpoints offer captivating insights, the relationship between consciousness and the brain remains a complex, ongoing topic of study and discussion. The scientific community has yet to reach a consensus on whether the mind is genuinely non-local or if these experiences can be explained within existing neurobiological and psychological frameworks.

Now, let's establish a plan for how this non-local mind perspective can break boundaries and bolster entrepreneurship. Here are three actionable ways:

  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Embracing the concept of a non-local mind can lead to unconventional and creative ideas. Techniques like professional hypnosis can facilitate deeper mind levels, potentially yielding innovative solutions to business challenges.

  • Expanded Problem Solving: Treating the mind as non-local prompts entrepreneurs to think beyond traditional confines. Hypnosis can also aid in dismantling mental blocks and cultivating a flexible mindset, which is vital for adapting to complex business environments.

  • Intuitive Decision Making: Acknowledging the non-local nature of the mind can cultivate greater trust in intuition. Once again, Hypnosis plays a role by establishing a stronger connection with the subconscious mind, which often holds valuable insights.

Remember, while these perspectives are enlightening, they're not conclusive. Incorporating these ideas into entrepreneurship requires thoughtful consideration of their potential benefits and uncertainties. Approach these concepts with an open, opportunistic and balanced mindset.

Your key takeaway here is don't wholeheartedly accept every thought that crosses your mind. Stay receptive to all possibilities and open yourself to energy and information beyond your conventional senses. Doing so can help you avoid failure and limited thinking. Instead, you can unleash your potential, operating from a standpoint of unlimited possibilities. This shift can lay the groundwork for your journey toward success.

As we conclude, remember that embracing the potential of non-local consciousness can be your gateway to unlimited success as an entrepreneur. To harness this power and unlock your full potential, take action today. Schedule a completely complimentary one-hour consultation for the NeuroTRUST Hypnosis Method of hypnosis – a transformative experience that will guide you to tap into your subconscious mind and break through the barriers holding you back. Your journey to boundless achievement begins now.

*This information is not intended to provide medical advice, nor is it a means to diagnose, treat or cure disease.

BREAKING THE BOUNDARY: Understanding Neurotoxins and Entrepreneurial Health

If you're an entrepreneur engrossed in your business endeavors, have you ever paused to consider who's tending to your well-being? Imagine a world where your entrepreneurial brilliance knows no bounds. Picture yourself surging ahead with unbridled energy and innovation, free from the shackles of hidden neurotoxins that quietly undermine your potential. Embark on a captivating exploration as we venture into the intricate realm of cognitive performance, revealing the insidious culprits that unwittingly sabotage your path to success. (Note: if you prefer podcasts over blogs, click here to tune in.)

In today’s blog, we'll navigate the labyrinth of integrative health, guiding you toward the radiant path that unleashes the full power of your mind. Prepare to revolutionize your cognitive destiny, igniting a fusion of science and soul that propels you toward unprecedented achievements. Let's delve into the essence of a neurotoxin and its impact on life and business.

A neurotoxin is a chemical substance that disrupts normal neural functions, potentially causing cellular damage and death. These toxins target neurons, glial cells, and neuromuscular junctions, impacting neurotransmitter processes and receptor interactions. This interference can lead to paralysis, cognitive impairments, sensory disturbances, and even life-threatening conditions. Neurotoxins can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact, with effects varying based on factors like dose, exposure duration, and individual susceptibility.

Many entrepreneurs face health barriers that hinder progress. Today, we'll explore common neurological obstacles that entrepreneurs may encounter, noting that these challenges extend beyond just this demographic. It's essential to acknowledge the diverse impact and prevalence of neurological conditions. So, before we delve into the list of 20 neurotoxins, let's consider five neurological barriers that entrepreneurs might confront:

  • Anxiety Disorders: Entrepreneurs often grapple with stress due to the uncertainties of business. Anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder can be prevalent, given the pressures and demands.

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): ADHD affects focus, task organization, and time management. Entrepreneurs juggling numerous responsibilities might struggle with these symptoms.

  • Depression: Entrepreneurial stress, isolation, and demands contribute to higher depression rates. Struggles with work-life balance can lead to depressive symptoms.

  • Bipolar Disorder: Mood swings from bipolar disorder disrupt productivity and decision-making. Manic phases induce impulsive decisions, while depressive phases hinder motivation.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Some entrepreneurs may be on the autism spectrum, providing strengths like intense focus. However, social communication challenges hinder networking and relationship-building – key aspects of entrepreneurship.

It's crucial to remember that each individual's experience varies, and many successful entrepreneurs overcome these challenges by seeking tailored wellness plans, building strong support networks, and addressing root causes to rebalance mind and body. If you or someone you know faces neurological barriers, seeking guidance from integrative health and mental health experts is recommended. 

Navigating the Neurotoxin Maze

To empower entrepreneurs to overcome these barriers, it's vital to be aware of common neurotoxins that lurk in our environment. Here's a condensed rundown of 20 such neurotoxins that can affect cognitive performance and overall well-being:

  1. Lead: Found in lead-based paints, contaminated water, soil, and consumer products. Associated health symptoms include cognitive deficits, developmental delays, and learning disabilities.

  2. Mercury: Present in certain fish, dental amalgams, cosmetics, and industrial processes. Mercury exposure can lead to cognitive impairments, memory issues, and tremors.

  3. Methylmercury: Commonly found in contaminated seafood, with health symptoms such as impaired motor skills and developmental delays.

  4. Organophosphate Pesticides: Used in agriculture but not allowed in organic farming, these can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headaches, and cognitive dysfunction.

  5. Polychlorinated Bisphenols (PCBs): Formerly used in electrical equipment, these toxins can lead to impaired learning, memory, and development.

  6. Glyphosate: An herbicide used in agriculture, possibly linked to cognitive and developmental issues.

  7. Manganese: A mineral essential for the body, but high levels from well water, mining, and welding can result in cognitive and motor deficits.

  8. Cadmium: A heavy metal found in cigarette smoke, contaminated foods, and industrial processes, leading to cognitive impairments and tremors.

  9. Arsenic: Found in contaminated drinking water, certain foods, and industrial activities, with health symptoms including cognitive deficits and peripheral neuropathy.

  10. Toluene: Found in paints, solvents, and fuels. This chemical should be avoided due to potential neurological issues.

  11. Hexane: A component of gasoline and industrial solvents, linked to peripheral neuropathy and cognitive impairments.

  12. Aluminum: Common in cookware, antacids, and some vaccines. Controversially linked to cognitive effects and Alzheimer's disease.

  13. Fluoride: Added to water supplies and toothpaste, this controversial neurotoxin has potential links to brain development issues.

  14. Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastics and food containers, it may impact brain development, behavior, and hormone regulation.

  15. Phthalates: Present in plastics, personal care products, and some medications, these toxins can possibly lead to neurodevelopmental issues.

  16. PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid): Found in non-stick cookware and water-resistant coatings, potentially impacting brain development and liver function.

  17. Polychlorinated Di-benzo-P Dioxins (PCDDs) and Polychlorinated Di-benzo-4-ans (PCDFs): Byproducts of combustion, exposure can lead to cognitive, developmental, and immune system issues.

  18. Ethanol (Alcohol): Health symptoms include neurological impairments, cognitive deficits, addiction, and liver disease.

  19. Tobacco Smoke: Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure can lead to impaired cognitive function and developmental issues, particularly in children.

  20. Copper: Essential for the body but can become toxic in excess, leading to neurological symptoms, anxiety, ADHD, and more.

While this list may seem overwhelming, the key lies in awareness, avoidance, and proactive measures. 

  1. Testing is your ally in unraveling your body's toxic burden. Functional medicine labs offer insights into your mineral and metal levels, exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins, and even specific toxins like glyphosate. 

  2. Armed with this knowledge, you can embark on a journey to detoxify your body and restore balance.

  3. Continue maintenance with a personalized wellness plan created by an experienced Integrative Health Practitioner.

At Love Energy Wellness LLC, we're committed to guiding entrepreneurs like you through the process of uncovering neurotoxic barriers and breaking free from them. We offer functional medicine detox protocols and support, enabling you to achieve optimal cognitive function and overall wellness.

By avoiding exposure to neurotoxins, testing your toxic burden, and actively engaging in detoxification, you're taking tangible steps towards unlocking your entrepreneurial potential and creating a future where health fuels success. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey and embrace a life where your possibilities truly are limitless.

**This information is not intended to provide medical advice, nor is it a means to diagnose, treat or cure disease.

DEMYSTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY: The Hidden Costs of Multitasking and Strategies for Peak Performance

Welcome, Boundary Breakers, to a mind-bending journey where we shatter illusions and challenge the very fabric of productivity. In today’s blog, we delve into the realm of thought reversal to unveil a stunning truth - Multitasking, long hailed as a holy grail of efficiency, is, in fact, the elusive saboteur of our precious time and sacred mental well-being. Prepare to have your preconceptions unraveled, your paradigm shattered, and your approach to productivity transformed.

The Hidden Costs of Multitasking

Multitasking, or the attempt to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and quickly, has been associated with efficiency and productivity. However, a closer look reveals that multitasking leads to dual-task interference, where the performance of multiple cognitive and motor tasks suffers due to divided attention.

For entrepreneurs, this habit can have significant consequences, resulting in:

1. Up to 40% decrease in efficiency: According to the American Psychological Association, multitasking costs us up to 40% of our efficiency, making us less productive overall.

2. Increased errors and reduced quality: Juggling multiple tasks dilutes the quality of our work and makes us more prone to making mistakes.

3. Added stress and burnout: Multitasking puts a strain on the brain, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even burnout.

4. Impaired focus and attention: Engaging in media multitasking negatively affects attention, working memory, and overall cognitive performance.

Mastering Your Attention for Increased Productivity

To avoid the pitfalls of multitasking and stay focused on important tasks, consider implementing the following methods:

1. Prioritize with the Eisenhower Matrix: This time management tool divides tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance. Focus on tasks in Quadrant 1 (urgent and important), schedule tasks in Quadrant 2 (important but not urgent), delegate or minimize tasks in Quadrant 3 (urgent but not important), and eliminate or minimize tasks in Quadrant 4 (not urgent and not important).

2. Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks throughout the day. Dedicate focused attention to one task during each time block, avoiding distractions. Take short breaks between time blocks to recharge.

3. Single Tasking and the Pomodoro Technique: Focus on one task at a time until completed or at a natural stopping point. The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking work into 25-minute focused intervals followed by 5-minute breaks. After four Pomodoro intervals, take a more extended break.

Embrace the Power of Focused Attention

By mastering your attention and avoiding multitasking, you can unlock your full productivity potential as an entrepreneur. Not only will you achieve better work outcomes, but you'll also experience reduced stress and increased mental well-being.

Remember, effective time management requires discipline and practice. Start small, and gradually build the habit of single-tasking and prioritizing with the Eisenhower Matrix. Your brain and your business will thank you for it.

Listen to the Podcast for More Insights

Ready to delve deeper into the world of integrative health and breaking boundaries? Join Jeffrey Mort on the Breaking Boundaries podcast, where he shares actionable steps to create ultra-healthy and laser-focused super achievers. Learn how to improve your energy, performance, and confidence to take your life and business to the next level.

Visit and click on the podcast button for all the show notes and links to listen to the podcast episodes. Embrace the power of focused attention and start breaking the boundaries of your mind, body, and business with integrative health. Your possibilities are limitless.

Remember, your time and mental well-being are precious. Choose to break free from the multitasking myth and step into a realm of enhanced productivity and mental clarity. Your journey to success begins with a focused mind.

As you already know, focus is a crucial ingredient to a successful business. The Find Your Focus training is an audio download designed to help entrepreneurs shift from a state of overwhelm to one of deep concentration and focus. This hypnosis audio uses powerful techniques to guide you into a state of relaxation and calm, enabling you to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand.

The Missing Jet Fuel for Propelling Your Integrative Health Business Skyward

Not having the right chemistry in your new business is like a new economy airline not knowing they need high octane jet fuel to actually get the plane off the ground. 

Why Most Businesses Fail

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, about 20% of new businesses fail in their first year, and 50% of new businesses fail by their fifth year. A few major factors are their inability to be competitive, to stand out with value, and to have unwavering confidence in their success. Successful entrepreneurs know they need to have a proven advantage to gain momentum and stand out in today’s noisy and saturated marketplace.

All the moving parts required for a successful business can be overwhelming in and of itself, not to mention getting in our own way. As Integrative Health Practitioners, it can be easy to fall into damaging thinking patterns like:

  • “Do I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?”

  • “Do I actually know what I’m talking about to help others live healthier lives?”

  • “I could NEVER go live on my Instagram, that’s too scary.”

  • “I feel like I haven't learned enough to help people yet.”

  • “I need this other certification before I can start.”

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Thoughts are energy, and if that’s the energy you’re projecting out from your new business, how will that be received by prospects? What would you hope to gain from staying in that energy? Staying safe in your comfort zone is one answer. More on that in a moment. 

Of course we will never learn all there is to know in a vast and endless universe, but what we often forget is that we know so much more than we realize and are already well equipped to be of service to humanity with our skills and unique gifts.

And yet, we can still catch that inner voice constantly doubting ourselves and keeping us stuck in a holding pattern. Why is that?

You were programmed as a child

The answer lies in neuroscience, and here’s one reason why. Starting from childhood, primarily from birth to age seven, children are in a constant learning brainwave state called Theta (4-8 Hz), similar to a state of deep meditation. This is when we begin to take in information and stories, much like a computer download from our environment such as parents, families, teachers, doctors, and other authority figures we look up to. We hear stories about who we are, how we should be, what’s possible, and how the world works. When it comes right down to it, EVERYTHING is just a made up story in our minds. EVERYTHING.

Money Mindset and the Plastic Brain

Most people want more money so let’s use some common money stories for instance. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “we can’t afford that”. Now let me ask you this: have you ever paused to consider what these indoctrinated beliefs and money stories have been costing you for years or decades? The answer could be in the millions!

The truth is, these types of limiting beliefs, if repeated enough, begin to create neural “pathways” in the brain, much like animals taking the same path through a field. The thoughts are literally wiring new electrical pathways, pathways of least resistance as they become stronger with each recurring thought. 

Eventually, the brain doesn’t even consider other options – it recognizes the path that’s there, the one with the least resistance and doesn’t think twice about it. The brain is an amazing tool of automation for energy conservation, safety, and survival. The good news is something known in science as neuroplasticity. The brain is malleable like plastic and can be rewired. 

Research demonstrates that 90% of our day is automated by our dominant level of consciousness, which operates on those programmed beliefs.

This is why you can take all the coaching programs you want, but unless you’re strategically rewiring those neural pathways towards what you want, your mind will always revert back to the old and familiar patterns of thinking because the brain loves the familiar and it loves predictability.

How can you strategically rewire your neural pathways?

Programs such as our unique NeuroTrust Method can help. TRUST is an acronym for Transformational Reprogramming for Unlimited Success Technique.  At the core of this proven method is clinical hypnosis, which can safely and quickly bring you your model of success. It’s truly life changing and a much more effective technique than traditional single-session hypnosis methods. 

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs, hypotheses, and what they first learned about something.

Before you recall on your first impression of stage hypnosis used for entertainment, I’m not talking about someone clucking like a chicken, forgetting who they are, or magicians standing on a rigid assistant across two chairs, or even someone in a movie stuck in trance because their hypnotist died during the session.

Although stage hypnosis is a reality and sometimes hilarious, that’s not what we’re talking about here. You’re not alone; years ago, this was my first impression of hypnosis too!

First, let’s debunk any misconceptions with a conversation about what Clinical Hypnosis is NOT.

What hypnosis is NOT:

  • Stage hypnosis as comedy or dramatic demonstrations

  • Hollywood portrayal for entertainment

  • Amnesia

  • Mind control

  • Truth serum

  • Being stuck in trance

So then what is hypnosis?

You may have heard the saying that “All hypnosis is self hypnosis” but what exactly does that mean? It means the consulting hypnotist is not in control of the hypnotized client, only a guide on the journey through the process of teaching how to enter a heightened state of awareness and suggestibility and down from a conscious brainwave state called Beta (14-30 Hz) into that deep meditative Theta frequency we mentioned earlier. Basically, no one is in hypnosis unless they choose to be. Only then can the changes begin to occur at the subconscious level and achieve the desired results. 

It is the purpose of the consulting Hypnotist to unlock the power of the subconscious mind to respond accordingly to the conscious mind thinking.

Is there actually efficacy in hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnosis is a scientifically proven, goal-oriented technique that involves the focus of one's attention and response to positive suggestions. It is a state of active, unconscious learning and heightened awareness when communication with the mind is elevated. In a moment, you’ll learn more about what the NeuroTrust Method can help with, but first let's dive into what hypnosis experience is like. 

Hypnosis has been described as a pleasant combination of talk therapy and guided meditation that can create immediate and lasting results.

You’re probably wondering what the NeuroTrust Method feels like. 

It feels:

  • Easy

  • Natural

  • Relaxing

  • Refreshing

  • Like daydreaming

  • Like creating something wonderful

  • Similar to the feeling of being immersed in a good movie

  • Like accessing the deeper subconscious mind

  • Like confidence and surety

Who uses hypnosis professionally?

Hypnosis has been used in professional athletics and became quite popular through the 1990s and early 2000s. Among the advantages, the application was used to restructure cognitive processes, improve response times, enhance performance, and reduce recovery time. 

It's also remarkable how many celebrities and CEO’s have used hypnosis, some paying upwards of $25,000 for 2-hour sessions. This goes for many top executives, actors, directors, and producers who saw a return on their investment.

Another interesting application for hypnosis has been used to provide support for skills and improved focus, patience, and awareness to win professional poker World Championships. Talk about a win-win situation!

Of course there’s sometimes a dark side to such powerful methods.  Some people have been known to use hypnosis unethically for persuasion and influence. It's even been theorized that some presidencies in the United States were won using hypnotic language and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques. 

As I mentioned earlier, my first experience with hypnosis was being in an audience at a comedy show and witnessing just how powerful it can be. I wont get into specifics but for years after, I vowed that I would never volunteer to be hypnotized. 

Fast forward a couple decades when one of my coaches suggested that I use hypnosis to accelerate my progress and I voiced my objections citing those specifics. Being a former Army Ranger active on the front lines of the war in Somalia, he explained how undergoing hypnosis prior to a mission to stay laser focused on the outcome was the reason he was still alive to tell the story. So even the military special forces use hypnosis as a winning advantage.

What can The NeuroTrust Method help with in my life? 

Research studies have proven that hypnosis can help with breakthroughs like:

  • Laser-like Focus and Clarity

  • Confidence and Self Esteem

  • Removing Self-sabotage behavior 

  • Worthiness

  • Self-love

  • Healing

  • Inner peace

  • Pain relief

  • Racing thoughts and Anxiety

  • Personal performance

  • Public Speaking Confidence

  • Habit Transformation

  • Money mindset

  • Releasing Fears and phobias

  • Weight loss

  • Creating your future self (My favorite!)

  • And so much more!

How do I discover more about how hypnosis can help me specifically?

Let’s start with a conversation. Most people want to learn more about our ethical NeuroTrust Method before getting started, which is why I offer a 60 minute complimentary consultation to show you how the Transformational Reprogramming for Unlimited Success Technique can help you create whatever you want in life, and more importantly, to make sure that we’re a good fit to work together on your deep level transformation.

Now that you’re aware that the brain loves to know what’s next: When you enroll, sessions are typically 90 minutes in length, are virtual via Zoom, and always personalized to your unique goals.

Every 2 weeks for a predetermined duration specific to your goal, we’ll explore and uncover subconscious blocks that come in the form of fears, negative beliefs, and false programming about oneself, which can limit even a highly intelligent individual’s ability to achieve forward progress in their health coaching business. Remember, the brain is default-programmed for keeping you safe. 

During a heightened state of suggestibility, we remap limited thinking into positive and healthy thoughts which reinforces healthy habits and new patterns of living the life you want to live! 

Your main takeaways on this learning session:

  • Not having an advantage in business can lead to failure

  • Most of childhood is spent in a hypnotic state of learning limitations

  • We’re naturally wired to stay in our comfort zone

  • The subconscious runs 90% of your life

  • Research demonstrates that the mind can be reprogrammed

  • Clinical Hypnosis is safe and effective

  • Hypnosis is a powerful tool for personal and professional development

Will I get results? 

Just like any successful program, if you’re committed, you show up and do the assigned homework, you’ll get the breakthrough results you’ve been looking for!  If you’re the kind of person that wants that unfair advantage to get out of your own way and have the confidence you need for success, then you’re probably wondering what the next steps are.

Step 1: Book a 1-hour complimentary consultation.
Step 2: I provide you with a recommended package based on your goals.
Step 3: We work the process and you watch your life and your business transform!